Morning Glow.

"Ermm~..That was one heck of night…Good Job won the battle..hehehe..".

I was always an early bird, I woke up from my sleep, with 2 beautiful women on both of my sides, Maria and Minako were still deeply asleep, naked, covered with only one large blanket. I was pleased to see their serene sleeping faces, slowly, without waking them up, I got up from the bed and left the room.

"5 in the morning?…I need my coffee..".

I after wearing my pants, I went outside only to be greeted with morning cold chill wind and the dark skies. I come inside and stokes the still burning fire stove, Wood Burning stove that I made really good, normally the fire cauldron before would already be left with charcoal by now. I made my morning coffee and sat on the table, pulled out my charger and Smartphone, planning what should I do now.

"Hmm…what now…first of all, I need to know more about dungeons…then, I need to find a way for Minako and Maria to not tiring themselves too much..their jobs, is very unreasonable, it's hard, tiresome and pays just too definitely our lifestyle has to change….".

I don't want my wives to continue working in that harsh work environment, I saw how they look like every time they got back home, dirty, tired, listless and the pay of 30 Lower Grade Crystal is just not enough. The taxes alone were 50 Low-Grade Crystal, leaving them only 10 Crystal, 1 small salted fish that not even enough to fill anyone hunger already cost 1 Low-Grade Crystal.

"I have my [Shop]…and, the quality and quantity that my [Shop] offers, beats any products in this Town hands down…and it cost even the Anchors, the Stall sold 1-meter planks for 3 Low Grade…meanwhile, in my [Shop] I Low Crystal, will get me 5-meter wooden logs, and if I Use, [Crafting] to change them into planks, I will get 10 5 meter wooden planks..that is..150 Low-Grade Crystal for 1 low crystal……this coffee tastes great…but…".

"You can only engage with trade, with the approval of the Administrator Office….Good morning, Honey…sorry I heard you talking to yourself…". (Minako)

"Morning Love….…want some coffee?…it tastes good, it will certainly give you energy for the day..".

Minako comes behind me and leans in and gives me a morning kiss. She sits down near me and stares at my phones, while I got up and pour her a cup of coffee and served it to her.

"..Ouf!'s bitter and strong…but..taste good for waking up people…So..are you, trying to open a business?..". (Minako)

"...That's the plan…but, it was a bit worrisome… if we can only open, the shop After getting the approval, from the government itself…".

"In a sense, is..but, 4th Bridge, or in fact each bridge Administrator has always been fond of any people wanted to open a business on their turf, they will tend to overlook most thing a merchant wanted to do…as long as, they pay their taxes on time..and willing to invest on the Bridge…". (Minako)

She was indeed a wise person, she was well known and very supportive.

"Hmm…so, if we pay taxes and invest..the administrator will let us own a business right?..".

"yes…not only that..they will also protect our it's better to make sure we are on good terms with the Administrator office…it will make everything simpler...But, Honey…what business do you want to make?… selling wooden planks?..". (Minako)

Both Minako and Maria already knew about my [Inventory], but they still don't know my [Shop] ability.

"Minako…do you know, how much I need to repair our house and all these?…".

"How much, Honey?..". (Minako)

"50 planks…and each of the planks were 5 meters long, new, fresh wood..".

"What?..Honey, where…how?….did you owe crystals? someone?..". (Minako)

Hearing the amounts of the wooden planks I use made her calm face crumbles instantly. Worried Maria would wake up she tone down her voices.

"Minako, Love…calm down…no I didn't owe anyone crystals…sit down..please…are you calm now?…".

I pushed Minako to sit down, to her seat first, after taking a few deep breaths she calms down.

" was like this…I have the ability to purchase, anything I wanted…be it wood, water, foods…I can buy them…look at this…how much is this water bottle with clean water usually sold for in the market?..".

I pulled out the unopened Mineral water from My [inventory] and put them on the table. Minako grabs it and carefully inspected it, opened the cap, and drink the water.

".…honey, this is high purity spring water…it taste sweet, untainted of any salt…just the water alone will cost 5 mid-grade for the bottle, new, clean, and hold 1 litter of liquid…3 low-grade crystal top…". (Minako)

She was shocked and thoroughly surprised. I just dismiss the part about the high purity spring water part and just focused on the price.

"1 bottle of that mineral water already cost 2 months of our tax…you know how much I spent buying that mineral water?..".

"How much?..". (Minako)

"1 low-grade crystal…I can buy that at any time I want and at any quantity I want…the water will be the same quality…".

When I revealed the fact to her, Minako stayed silent, contemplates with a scrunching her eyebrows.

"Honey.. I always knew you were amazing and a gifted person…but…this ability of yours..might put you in danger…and I don't want that…". (Minako)

She holds my hand, and a concerned look appeared on her face as if pleading to me not to do anything dangerous. She was just too protective of me, and I get that.

"I didn't plan on just flaunting this ability of mine, Minako…but, if we going to live a better life…using this ability of mine is a must…I have a plan, Minako..don't worry…Maria, baby…just some here, I know you already wake up..".

We have been talking for a few dozens minute, and I can sense Maria was eavesdropping behind the bedroom door. Hearing calling her, she entered the living room with an embarrassed face and guilt. I pour her a cup of coffee and gave it to her as she sat down.

"I don't' meant to hide this for any of's just Minako already wake up when I speak about it…also, it's not something I wanted to hide from my wives…and please don't think that I would be unfair to any one of you…okay, Maria?…".

"I know, Husband…we are not a child..we don't get offended or anything right Minako?…Ouf..this is bitter..". (Maria)

I just don't want Maria to feel as if she was being left out of any discussion regarding our house's future. But it seems my worries were unwarranted after all.

"This is my plan…since I was already a warrior, myself…I will venture the dungeons..then, we will use the things that I bought as the 'spoils' and sells it to the public..simple as that..right?..".

I don't know how much spoils can be obtained from a dungeon but, surely it would make a perfect cover story.

"…it can works…". (Minako)

"...hubby…tell doing this for us right?…". (Maria)

At this point, they already knew my personality,

"it's for our family….also, seeing you both, tired every day..ache my hearts…so, I wanted this for you two and for us….AAA…nope, don't say it…look, the point is...I will make us a shop..and when the shop is up and running…I want you 2 to work together with me attending the shop…how is it…".

I refuse to hear their, excuse that they were supposed to take care of me. To me that kind of thing just make me feel like I'm a failure as a man.

"…when you sounded like that..who can reject you honey~…right Maria?…yes, when the store is up we will quits and tend the shop for you…". (Minako)

"haha…now, that's my lovely wives~…..…thank you..Minako, Maria…have some crackers, for breakfast…hohoho… ".

Maria and Minako have their breakfast, and when the clock pointed at 7 am, both of them left the boathouse and headed to their work. As for me I also ready to get out, the process of me establishing a business surely isn't instantly, the plan will take a few days before I can even think of opening a store. I need to establish my name as a prolific warrior by entering dungeons a few times and bring a good haul. Unlike before, this time as I go out, I was fully dressed, I have my Executioner sword hang on my waist, the crossbow in my inventory, and a large cloak draped over me.

Minako advised me to go to Mother Grace, for information instead of Captain Miss Bonnie, mostly because the latter was too busy. Mother Grace was once a Wizards that dive into dungeons all over the Milk Town, and much more trustworthy because she's a tight-lipped person and easy to talk to.

This time my journey was fast, all thanks to my Warrior badge, I don't have to stop by the entrance toll, the guards just wave me in and I'm through. It was busy as always in the Anchors, even more in the Town Center. I remember the way to the Marriage Center, it was on the second floor, everything progresses without a hitch, as I entered the Marriage Office, it was the same as yesterday, empty and silent. There are only 3 people in the office behind the counter, Mother Grace and the other 2 sisters. My presence did alarm them, they welcome me, which I only replied with a nod and walk straight to the counter where Mother Grace was and knocked on her counter.

"Mother Grace…do you have some time to spare?..".

As she was sitting down and I was standing up, she can clearly look at my face. Mother Grace was shocked seeing me in front of her, but quick to regain her calmness.

"Ladies…please attend the counter for me…I have a little business to attend to..". (Mother Grace)

"Yes, Mother Grace~..". (Sisters)

Replied the 2 sisters, politely with a bow.

"let's go into my office, Mr.Azmel…". (Mother Grace)

We both walked into her office, when I was inside she locked her door and sit down in her chair behind the table. She flashes her gentle and warm smile as she noticed the badged on my chest.

"What can I help you with..Mr.Azmel..". (Mother Grace)

In Maria and Minako's workplace, everything was in chaos. All their co-worker was stunned with their shining and beautiful figure. Their new clothes and, the shiny ring on their finger, made their co-worker flock around them. Showing their envy and admiration for their new looks.

At the same time, since the Administrator Office too has announced that there's a Man in 4t Bridge and has married two 4th bridge women, the entire Milk Town was in frenzy. The woman of 4th bridge were all celebrating about the news, that they now have eye candy to clean their sight with. The other bridge Administrator immediately sends their people to finds out about the man's identity and wanting to seduced him to their bridge, even openly spread the news and pays an advertisement on the town center offering the man, many privileges to bait him.