Fiancé and Plan.

One thing that I know thanks to my adult life, watching and reading enough drama and novels. Women have a very foreboding foresight in a matter of relationship, that is actually what is happening right now. After me and Minako's intimate moment in the shower, we went inside and were having our dinners, along with Maria and Mother Grace. At that time, Minako and Maria although were thankful to Mother Grace, the 3 of them seems to formulate something, Suddenly, Mother Grace who has been silent most of the time brought out 2 wooden boxes and set them in front of Maria and Minako, it was just a simple box that was wrapped in a red cloth.

"Minako..Maria..I wanted to ask for your blessing, to become Azmel 3rd wife…". (Mother Grace)

Like a bomb being dropped, in the middle of our dinner table. I was actually stunned by her forwardness, I know from what she said in the morning, that she has discussed and confessed to Minako about her relationship with me and her intentions to entered the Eimi family and wanted to become my 3rd Wife.

"I know that this is too sudden, perhaps even not appropriate at this time..but after seeing, Azmel comes back home injured for the second times…it made me felt extremely worried about his well being…also, I loved him…I don't want to be away from him, and not be there when he returned injured…Please, accept me into the family..". (Mother Grace)

This was a marriage dowry from her, although the power of deciding everything is in my hand. Should I said I wanted to marry anyone, I don't need any permission from any of my wives. But I felt that to ensure harmony in my marriage life, I wanted my wives to approved the candidates first, only after that, I will marrying the person, and in this context, it was Mother Grace. Mother Grace, was and still 4th Bridge higher echelon official, she was a person of standing, the Director of the 4th Bridge Marriage Office. But now that person of standing was bowing politely to Minako and Maria, asking them for approval.

"M..M..Mother Grace, please don't bow to us… will make us felt out of place..". (Maria)

Maria and Minako were flustered, seeing Mother Grace's humble presence. Both of them and even the whole 4th Bridge knew Mother Grace, the healer, wise and warm person that always willing to serve others. Mother Grace was in fact a little bit older than them, she is 43 years old this year. She's also one of the 4th Bridge strongest Wizards a Mid Grade Healer Wizard at level 10.

"Please don't feel this way…after all, I was the one who comes here to propose a marriage…". (Mother Grace)

She sits back straight and gently smiles as she waited for Minako and Maria's honest replies.

"Honey…what are your decisions?..". (Minako)

"Not gonna lie, I agreed to wed her..But, she had to ask for you and Maria blessing after all the 2 of you were my first wife and also the lady of the house…".

With Mother Grace's confession about our illicit relationship to Minako, of course, Minako and Maria will have the right to decides. I do expect them to at least be disgusted or even mad about it, but instead, both of them don't seem to mind, in fact even proud about it. Hearing that their husband was healthy and active, for sure this world views are very twisted but, it still it appealed to me. Perhaps it was just like what this world said, Manliness was defined with how very sexually active they were, and the more wives he had the higher his prestige was. Minako and Maria were pleased to hear me handed down the responsibility and power of accepting, marriage in their hand. After all, this was one of the perks of real wives, that women in BlueWall were entitled to, but in this era, these perks were rarely given to any of the wives nowadays.

"Mother Grace…we are glad to accept your dowry and also accepted you becoming the 2nd Wife of Eimi family…but, I am afraid…at this moment..we have to hold your wedding ceremony…". (Minako)

Mother Grace is the 2nd Wife?. I was stunned by the math calculations from Minako a little bit. But then understand what she meant, Minako and Maria were my first wives as I married both of them at the same time. I didn't question her holding off Mother Grace's marriage, because I too understand the reason.

"Why?..but you said you accepted my proposal?..". (Mother Grace)

She felt discouraged, due to the odd result.

"It's because, still very much occupied right now…also, our Boathouse is too small, for the 4 of us to live together...Naturally, you will be engaged to of now…it was a situational thing…". (Maria)

The somewhat a little tense atmosphere was toned down after Maria's explanations. Mother Grace understood Minako and Maria's intentions, everyone was happy with the results, so am I.

"Maria…does family really have to stay in one boathouse?..".

"Of course! matter how big the family, as long as they were a family..they had to stay in the same boathouse…it's a taboo to live apart..". (Maria)

"If a family does not live in the same Boathouse, everyone will look down and scorned the wives that do not live in the same boathouse..they will be labeled as the fuck doll of the family, which does not have the same honor and rights as a normal wife..not loved by the husband…though their status was a bit higher than any unmarried ladies…still, it was a reputation that is worst than becoming a singles…". (Mother Grace)

Calmly, Mother Grace explained the meaning in detail. In this world, they really do not hold back on their curse words. Also, society scorns is really scary in this world, which is a little bit concerning.

"Since I have become, Azmel's fiancé…in the future, you both can just address me as Grace or just sister, that is okay right?..". (Grace)

"Yes, Mo…Sister Grace..". (Minako and Maria)

Both Minako and Maria can't believe that they will become families to Mother Grace, who has been like an angel in 4th Bridge. Addressing her as sister Grace means that they were now closer and have a tight bond with her. Grace who heard them calling her Sister was delighted at their acceptance.

"...Since, both you have agreed…then, Grace, as my fiancé and the members of Eimi family…this is for you..this ring carries the meaning that, you are my fiancé..".

"Azmel~…this…..Thank you!!....I love you~..". (Grace)

I gave her the same shiny iron ring, just like the ones I gave to Minako and Maria, as soon as she opened the box and put the ring on her ring finger. She was very happy and jumped from her seat on to my arms, then showers me with her kisses, Naturally, Minako and Maria were also sharing their happiness with me by initiating a group hug, all 3 of them were complimenting each other, feeling proud as all of them have the ring on their finger.

We all stayed up a bit longer tonight and conversed in a happy manner. In the living room, lighted by the wood-burning stove, we enjoyed our times, I have Maria on my left who's massaging my tense shoulder and back. Minako and Grace calmly talked about their days on my right. From our conversations, I also found out that, actually the marriage symbolizes, which I unknowingly did, which is the ring was in fact exist. But to other marriages, their symbolizes has never in the form of rings nor even jewelry. Most of the Marriages symbolize or the Proof of marriage, that men in this world gave to their wives were markings. Literally use a marking by etching an emblem of a family by using a hot iron on the skin, tattooing, marked by carving name or number on the skins, or cut out a part of their ears, all the method that they will choose are just downright extreme and I considered inhumane. But still, those who have the Marking or Symbols will proudly flaunt them in public, let say that the marking was a carving on their breast, the wives will proudly not wearing a top and fully exposed their breast to the public to flaunt them. And the public who saw the marking will 100% be envious and admired them.

"Kinda kinky don't you think?..".

"Not was a proud thing to have...Hubby…even if you wanted to do marking just like any others...we will proudly flaunt them…because it signifies to others that we are married to a man that we loved…Hubby..need more coffee?..". (Maria)

Casually replied to me, and picked my empty mug to refilled them back with coffee from the stove.

"Anyways… about the request that I asked?..have you find any trustworthy woman to worked with me?..".

"I do…I have a few friends that were out of a job from the Milk Factory…they were very hardworking and trustworthy…once I told them about the danger, they accepted it and willing to do it…they even willing to dispense their lives for the job..though I told them certainly it would not reach to that levels…". (Minako)

"The Job might be a little bit dangerous..but dispensing their might not come to that…what I need were just their loyalty…that is already enough..".

Grace who has been listening to Minako and me back and forth seems to catch the drift and interject.

"Azmel~..are you making a dungeon team?..". (Grace)


"But aren't hiring a normal person was a bit risky?..I mean, they are a normal person that doesn't have any fighting capabilities…". (Grace)

She is concerned about it, after all, what I assumed worker might just become a sacrificial pawn.

"I know what do you meant by that…but hiring a warrior and wizards that have already establish is too troublesome and too expensive…also, they have an ego of their own..but if the person I hired were just a normal person if they were loyal to me…I can turn them into Warrior and Wizards by helping them leveling…".

The moment a person graduate from level 0 to level 1 they will instantly be label as warrior or wizard, simple yet hard to achieve. When Grace heard my reasoning she was shocked by it, it was feasible but certainly hard to do, naturally, all of the worlds know this method, but this was a hard thing to do, one has to kill over hundreds of monsters personally to level up. Rich families and town officials have always done this method of hiring multiple people to help them raise their level, but naturally, the progress will take time to bear fruit.

"..but isn't it hard to do?…". (Grace)

She doesn't hide her worries, even if I capable of doing so, naturally it would be taxing.

"Maybe..maybe not..that is why I want someone who is loyal to me to cultivate them..and become a part of Eimi family business…naturally, tomorrow after Minako and Maria handled their resignation in the soon as they come back...I will arrange them to level up..".

Minako and Maria already knew the plan, although they refused at first saying that I might put myself in danger, after hearing the benefits of leveling up meaning they will be stronger and even have a longer life span. They are willing and enthusiastic about the chance of living as my wives even longer. Grace looked at Maria and Minako faces and understood that both of them were really ideal wives that supported their husband to the fullest, which also made don't want to be left out.

"Azmel..what if I joined you?..although my fighting capability was a bit low, but, I can provide healing to any injuries that might occur…". (Grace)

She was hopeful, her help does really needed but, I worried that if she joined us it might be, then what will be of her positions. After all, the 4th Bridge as it already has fewer leaders as it is.

"Is it okay though?…I mean, you are an official that is of importance to 4th bridge…either way, as for now...I think we can still handle everything..the risk isn't that high...I can ensure that everything will go just well..".

Grace nodded in acknowledgment as she to realizes that in her enthusiasm, she forgot her positions. Seeing I don't really push the topic and said that, if I really need her help, then I will certainly ask, she agreed to let me handled everything myself.

"Azmel..actually what level are you on now?..". (Grace)

"Now?..level 9…shocking?..well, I actually found a Level 1 dungeon called Goblin Cavern, all the monsters there were quite fierce but all of them were just level 1..but the numbers were quite high... 2001 monster living in it…as of now I have killed 1 584 of the whole populations..leaving the boss and a few monsters just enough for Maria and Minako to leveled up…what's with your faces? something wrong?..".

Grace, Minako, and Maria's faces were astounded and shocked, after hearing what I just said. I kinda get it now, my progression was just too fast, maybe a little bit too abnormal for a single person to be able to kill that much monster alone, in just a span of 4 days.