The 3rd Bridge, Milk Town Commercial Centre.

"The vibes here are quite different…More bustling and crowded than That of 4th bridge..".

Minako and Maria brought me to the 3rd Bridge, as soon as we got passed the Bridge toll from the 4th Bridge Anchor sections to the 3rd Bridge Anchor sections and on to it's long Bridge, the scenery changed drastically. I can rarely see's any small run down boats, instead most of the ship here was all at a larger size, also the floating platform is much more available here, though in 4th bridge only the Administrator Office were using it for their Warehouse.

"3rd District were mostly a market place..that is why…everyone from Milk Town visit 3rd Bridge regularly..that is why there is so many people here..". (Maria)

Maria swiftly explained to me as she walks on my left side, staying as close to me.

"I see…Hmm..why is that bridge over there looks old compared to what we were on right now?…".

There's a lot of branches on the main bridge, but one bridge on my right caught my attentions, it was about 100 meter from the anchors, but the bridge was very old, filled with holes, yet there's so many people constantly coming in and out using that bridge.

"...That, is the marketplace designated for 4th bridge..". (Minako)

She said with a tinged of self depreciating looks on her face. I looked at the Main Bridge and the other branches bridge conditions, the people that were on it, every single one of them were in good conditions, even the people that walking around were all wearing good clothes.

"(Damn these guys really not messing around when it comes to entitlement..)…So, where are we going to now?..".

I asked Minako, since she was the one who will lead us.

"we are heading up a little deeper, there's a store that we need to go…". (Minako)

Minako said with a blushed on her face, Maria too have the same shy expression on her face. As for me, I just nodded at her and let her lead the way. We walk a little deeper in to the 3rd bridge, Naturally I have become the main attractions along our walk, since I don't have my hood up, people can see my face, I got a gentleman short hair cut, of course, I dislike my hair being too long. Minako and Maria got their hoods up, but since we all wear the same short cloak, further more, I got the 4th Bridge Warrior Badge pinned on my chest. Even more women started to stop on their tracks and stares at me. At this point, I already gotten used to be stared at, there's a few ladies tries to come close to me, but we ignored them and also, Minako and Maria rings on their fingers clearly enough to deter them.

"We are here..". (Minako)

When we stopped, Me, Minako and Maria were standing in front of one of the highest and the largest stores in the 3rd Bridge on it's left side. It was black and pink colored 3 storey wooden building with a neon signboard that spell, (Madame François Secrets) in a large cursive font, then a large neon light that forms a giant vagina were on top of it.

".…This is a sex shop right?…".

I asked Minako and Maria who's has been red the whole time we were standing in front of the stores. Both of them nodded at my questioned, I am not going to judge them, nor that I planned to, because from what I've seen before, the amount of people who just openly walks in and out of the stores were just too many. All of them comes out happy holding a wooden boxes, some couple were even saying out loud that they were going to try the toy they bought tonight in the most casual way to other couple. Naturally every single person that were there were all women. The Store were simply the hottest store in the entire bridge, no matter how good they dressed and looks, 2nd,3rd bridge and 4th bridge residents visit this shops and all comes out with packages in their hands.

"We are going to made one using mine as a model right?..".

Minako and Maria once again nodded. I did remember banning them from using any dildo, I supposed this makes sense. Even if it was just an imitations, but it was an imitations of other man dicks, I can handled cuckolding another person, but I definitely refuse to be cuckold.

"Let's go..standing here in the open, has gotten a lot of eyes on us..". (Maria)

Maria said as she tugged my arms and both of them leads us inside. Certainly I has attracted a lot of intentions, I can even hear some murmurs that a lot of woman who saw me, asking their friends, wondering if there will be a new models comes out, some even sneakily following us back inside the stores.

"Woah!…this is packed!..".

As soon as we step inside the stores, it was as the same scene as the opening day of a smart phone shop that just released their new, models. The store were packed with women's to the point, we can't walked 2 steps without bumping onto someone. It was a marveling sight to be hold inside the stores, right in the middle of the stores, there's a man statues made out of marble, 90% similar to David statue just the face was a little bit different. Every sex toys, dildos were displayed like an art piece inside a glass box, and also the stark and largest differences about his sex shop, were there's only 2 naked woman posters, which both of them have an average looks, but their bodies were like a washboard, flat as heck, yet there are some woman still flocking their items display. The rest of the stores were filled with posters of all kind of man, posing in a various sexy pose, which not manly at all, there's a fat bald man, an ugly bastard looking uncle, frail grandpa, a snot face kid, all kind of men posters, figurine, their dildos, their underwear, bottle of their cums.

For a person like me, this were just a little bit overwhelming. I know that people have their own kinks, even back on earth shit like this happened, but here everything were out in the opened, no limits to anything, also from my observations, none of these males were even good looking, all of them have a standard looks but mostly all of them you can describe them as average. Also their dicks were all, well let's just say 4 inches were the largest and the longest one, still it was priced at 3 superior grade Crystals. Me, Minako and Maria move in deeper to the store, wanting to get to the counter, there's a line's so we have to wait.

"huh?…Magically enhanced! Real time connection…the heck 100 Superior Grade Crystals?..fucking expensive..".

As a normal person in a shop, naturally I also took a chance to see the display, my eyes landed on one of the 3 inches dildo in a glass box, there's a few description engraved under it. I nearly shouted as soon as I saw the priced tag.

"It's our latest release Miss, this one is a little bit pricey..after all, it was magically enchanted with 10 times real life and time connections with Mr.Golden…quite famous man from the 3rd district..". (Clerk)

One of the clerk who, heard my exclaim as she was serving the nearby customer replied to me with her monotone business voice, without even looking back at me. But since that one time back forth able to attract quite a few listening ears from the crowds, the entire store were slowly getting silence, as a few woman that the clerk were talking to, looks at me with a bewitching looks and pointed at me then said.

"It's a man…".

As soon as that words comes out of that woman, the whole stores comes into a standstill, every single woman in the stores stop and drop what they were doing and looked straight at me. It was very pleasing and at the same times quite frightening situations to be in, the Clerk who answered my questioned before, slowly turned towards me and widened her eyes.

"S..sir…please, forgives me, for not attending to you as soon as possible…please..forgive me..". (Store clerk)

Her attitude changed 360 degrees, she bows at me and stumbles through her every words, profusely apologize to me as if she just killed a person.

"'s okay, Miss…you've done nothing wrong to me…".

Despite me dismissing her, she still bowing at me. It's getting too awkward for me, I called Minako who standing right in front of me in the line. When she realizes the situations, Minako first come at me, pulled up my hood and then face the clerk.

"'s okay…please rise up…". (Minako)

Minako swiftly handled the clerk, easing the situations, calming the panic clerk. With Minako calm and maternal aura, the clerk was quick to calm down, after explaining the situations to Minako. Minako said to her to just don't stressed on it, which the clerk were relieved by it.

"I have an appointment, with the toy maker today…if it's not that much of hassle..can you please help us out?..". (Minako)

Minako said to the clerk, which made her face blooms with delight, instantly.

"Is that so..then, we shouldn't lingers around the first floor..the toy maker sections in on the second floor, let me lead you there…Madam, sir..this way please..". (Store Clerk)

She instantly turned very accommodating, Naturally what she said can be heard to a lot of woman around us. And instantly I catch a glimpse of their eyes, they were all burning with lust and excitement, some were even drooling as they laid their eyes on me, watching our every steps as we get on to the second floor. According to the clerk, the first floor was for the 2nd and 1st Bridge customer to shops, the ground floor was for the 3rd and 4th bridge customer. 2nd floor was for the toy maker appointment and also where the toys were made by hand, 3rd floor is for the business owner and staff office.

"Madame Minako, which toy maker did you hold an appointment with?..". (Clerk Keana)

By now, the store clerk already introduce herself to us, her name was Keana, 4th Bridge residents, meaning that she was a neighbors, she's not rude by any form and I am not that petty, to be easily offended and made a big deal about anything.

"We got an appointment with Master Viola..". (Minako)

She show her a small slips of paper to Clerk Keana.

"I see…Master Viola, is one of our best toy maker…and she's also madame Francois daughter…certainly you would be please by her craft~…Please wait a moment, I will check on her office..…Master Viola!..can I come in?..". (Clerk keana)

With her lead, we stopped at the 2nd office room in the floor, there are only 4 office room in the floor, all lined up on the right side of the room next to the stairs, as for the rest of the floor, it was filled with workstations. The things that I noticed was, the machine that they use to make sex toys were all modern and magically advance, just like a computer mixed with a 3rd printer, even the material they used were even better than any materials that I have ever seen ones use to make a sex toys, just from here I can see that they looks exactly like a real things. I saw one of the maker, who's finished with making their products, took a flaccid dildo from her worked table, took it in her hand and started to give it a hand job, in real time I can see that the toys actually gotten hard and stiff, she then took it in her mouth, blowing it furiously, whilst ticking something on her computers, then nodded a few times, cleans the toys, put it inside a secured box, then passed it to another woman that went around top collect all finished products. Then repeated to make another toys.

"Wow…for a dystopia world..that barely have enough resource..for some reason their sexual entertainment sector were very advance as heck..".

That is what going on inside my mind as I saw the whole thing.