The story begin

I'm finally 14 years old, the story has just started, I know it's very exciting, I'll finally be able to meet my future family. It's not like I didn't attract the interest of the Vongolas, Nono already proposed me to join the CEDF in the past but the simple idea of working with Iemitsu Tsunayoshi, Tsuna's father revolts me, seeing him leave his family like that made me indignant when I read the manga, I'm sure that with his personality (remember the information he gave to Basil about Japan) I would have tried to attack him by force if I was under his orders.

I'm currently at Namimori airport and I was there alone, I didn't want to be noticed, especially by Reborn and if all I passed as the story goes I would soon be a Vongola and no longer a Bovino.

I have just arrived at the best time to arrive, Tsuna has already got Gokudera and Yamamoto as friends and future guardians (it sounds like pokémon when talking about them like that), it's the period when Lambo had arrived in the story.

Do you remember the investments I made about 10 years ago? Thanks to them I became one of the biggest living fortunes but I remained discreet because I can't reveal myself too much if I'm a mafioso, with a small part of the money I bought a house next to Tsuna's, and I already renovated it before I arrived, The style is naturally Italian with a Western touch and multiple improvements including a training room and an underground lab that were designed jointly by me and Verde, I don't want to risk such a beautiful house with too dangerous experiments.

As far as Verde is concerned, we parted on good terms last month even though he promised to come and visit me from time to time, he has become a good friend over time and we often share our work on different subjects, currently, we are working on a project that consists of using the dying flame as a means of energy and how to contain it in a container, he just informed me a week ago that he had a breakthrough in the field and that he will inform me soon of his results.


I have been here for one week now and I was able to finish the last documents to study in the same high school as Tsuna. In my former life, I didn't enjoy this part of my life very much but now with my genius, my few Ph.D.'s (Verde was outraged when he found out I didn't have any and forced me to get some from some of the best colleges in the world like Cambridge or Harvard) I don't have to worry about my studies anymore.

I am now standing in front of the classroom door a little stressed to introduce myself but I kept a confident smile like a true Gentleman and entered when the teacher called me.

As I entered the room I could see Reborn's expression (disguised as a lamp on the ceiling) and Gokudera's expression change comically, it was easy to see the surprise on their village.

Teacher: " I introduce you to Lambo Bovino who comes from Italy and who will study here from now on "

Me: "Pleased to meet you, I am Lambo and I am happy to meet you. "I said, introducing myself in a calm manner.

And after a second the girls of the class exploded with joy saying things like 'one more handsome guy in the class'.

Gokudera: "Nii-sama, how come you are here?" Gokudera asked me as he abruptly got up from his chair.

(Gokudera ended up calling me Nii-sama because after we met, I taught him academically and musically and it seems that he ended up seeing me as a big brother).

Me: "I came to see how you were doing among other reasons. "

And that awakened the BL fantasies of the girls in the class it seems.

Gokudera: "Nii-sama I present you the Juudaime," he said while introducing me to Tsuna.

Me: "Nice to meet you, we can talk after class if you want, it seems we are great in class. "

After shaking hands we took our seats while Reborn wondered why I was there, he didn't know I was there.

During the break, we met on the roof with Moi, Gokudera, Yamamoto, and Reborn.

Me: "Nice to meet you all, my name is Lambo and I am a friend of Gokudera."

Tsuna: "Nice to meet you." said Tsuna with a little smile

Reborn: "I didn't expect to meet the prodigy of Tuscany here." says Reborn with a suspicious look.

Me: "Hello Reborn, it's a real pleasure to meet the greatest Hitman of the world here, the truth I came because I was interested in the next boss of the Vongola family and I want to know why Gokudera agreed to become one of his follower et guardians, I know it was you who invited him to come. "I answered in a curious voice. (I should have been an actor)

Reborn: "You can come and eat at the house if you want to know Tsuna." answered Reborn

Me: "Of course." I answered with a little smile and I offered him a candy (Expresso flavor candy), he accepted with a smile wondering how I knew his favorite flavor.

While Tsuna complained that Reborn invites people to his house without his agreement what results not Reborn who hit him in the face.


POV Reborn:

'What is Lambo 'the Bull of heaven' doing here? I knew he was a friend of Gokudera but I was not informed of his arrival.'

After class, we went home while Tsuna asked me who was Lambo.

"Lambo Bovino is a genius, in addition to having several doctorates and being one of the richest men in the world he is also known as a violin prodigy who has performed all over the world. In the Mafia world he is known as 'The Bull of heaven' because of his fair and protective nature towards his territory but without mercy towards the aggressors. I never knew him but I heard that he was a skilled fighter and trained for assassination missions."

Tsuna: "Hiiiye! "replied a tsuna panicked to meet someone so impressive.

'We'll have to test him, he might be perfect as a guard for Tsuna' thought Reborn with a small demonic smile thinking that this surprise could be beneficial.