A Wild Mukuro captured !!!

The Vindice arrived.

The fact that they are there indicates that the fight has really arrived but this was a problem for Lambo. Without counting the fact that Mukuro must become the guardian of the lightning of Tsuna he must now also help him to develop his latent capacity, there are many flames that combine 2 other flames like those of Xanxus which combine those of the sky and the storm or the flame combining the element of the sky and the earth but never had he seen flames combining the lightning and the fog, it is necessary to say that the people who have this type of flame are diametrically opposed in normal time.

The Vindice is finally here, now comes the final stretch to end this story,' thought Lambo as he got up to face the group in front of him. Fortunately, the only charges that can be brought against him are the possession and use of prohibited weapons.

Lambo: "Hello Vindice member, may I ask why you want to take this man with you?" he asked as he pointed to an unconscious and chained Mukuro (He really wastes no time in apprehending anyone.)

Vindice member: "This man has used weapons forbidden in the mafia world, committed numerous murders, and endangered the secrecy of the omerta."

Lambo: "Maybe we can find a way to work this out, I'm willing to give you information and in return, the Bovinos and the Vongola family commit themselves to keep an eye on this man", answered Lambo, giving a slight glance to Reborn, who immediately understood that an opportunity was presented to him to recruit someone talented for the family, so he nodded his head after a questioning look from the Vindice.

Vindice member: "Vindice would like to know what information they could trade for this man's life.

Lambo: "Information about a user of the Eighth Flame.

Suddenly the atmosphere in the room changed and a huge tension fell, and even though Tsuna was managing to stay conscious, thanks to his abilities starting to develop and the seal of Vongola Nono starting to dissipate, On the Lambo side, he managed to keep an impassive and confident look under the curious look of Reborn about an unknown flame and the accusing look of Vindice, in spite of the tiredness which gained him and the desire to faint which took him, the mental fight with Mukuro had strongly weakened him (it should not be forgotten that it is one of the most talented possessors of the flames of the mist of his generation).

The Vindice then approached Lambo ready to apprehend him at any moment.

Vindice member: "What do you know? Speak up! All information about the eighth flame must be given to us", he asked.

Lambo: "Does that mean you are handing over Mukuro?

Seeing Lambo's attitude and considering his identity and future potential, the chief then turned his head towards the baby covered with strips on his shoulder until he nodded.

He then released Mukuro and placed him next to Reborn.

Vindice member: "Now tell us what you know about this unknown user."

Lambo: "During the development of the Bovino family we researched our allies and enemies as all families do to look for potential problems and we found some suspicious information about the Vongola family.

Upon hearing this, Reborn's expression became more rigid, expecting the worst.

"Rest assured Reborn that the information revealed is known only to me, at the slightest sign I have stopped using my family's services and am using my own resources to get to the bottom of this story.

"I discovered that many deaths were attributed to members of the Vongola family, but at the time we had evidence that the culprits were in another part of the world at the time, and it was as if the person responsible could teleport. Finally, my services were able to collect a photograph that seemed to represent a missing member of the Vongola family: Spade! The former guardian of the first and second generation."

Upon hearing this the members of Vindice then realized that someone was indeed using the eighth flame, its powers are too unique to be copied and it could actually allow someone to survive longer than normally possible, they are living proof of that. They then hurried to leave through a portal to check if the information is true, and if it is the case they will have to deal with this problem as soon as possible.

Seeing the Vindice leave Lambo released a sigh of relief, it was only necessary to give the last explanation to Reborn and he could finally go to sleep.