Self recognition

In a corner of his mind a shadow lurks , a soul shriks and a memory rehearsed .

If it wasn't for the light that get to touch his face through the gaps of the curtain you would've thought you've encountered a corpse.

Although skinny you can still see the lingering energy in body to have hope for the poor soul.

The real suprise came as a crushing pain that got him face this cruelty of reality called "self recognition " .

His eyes fully opened and he got the chance to meet his first horror of a lifetime that will be imprinted in his soul for eternity , a red color liquid that got to be emphasized as almost violet .

His head aimed like a barrel of a gun straight toward a line of pupils ; almost touching the forehead of the second person by chance if it wasn't for the fear that makes his body freeze as a chunk of ice can get .

Let me ask you what will be the first thing you'll do if you've been in his shoes ?

Run for your life ? Like hell if you can do those kinda thing if you've got a sick mind like our male lead "twisted but almost genius" .

Face it and accept this anomaly of a lifetime ?

The first thing after he opened his mind and eyes to this scene was to check his surroundings by simply turning his head to the left meeting nothing but floors that got drenched in blood of the victim ( his thoughts ) then to to the right to face a hand his hand to be precise ! .

But what was in his possession made him to face his first aspect of self recognition "to be a manifest of evil or an embodiment called a slayer of life , a murder to be precise " . an steel knife that had a grey colored handle and was engraved with a word on the blade ; a word that would be read as purge .

The man think as hard as he can to get a stinging pain in the back of his head but still couldn't remember a thing about the scene in front or the purge word that didn't ring a bell for him , but it was at that moment that a scene flashed before his sapphire blue eyes .

A scene identical to a slash of a cold steel blade that kind of reminded him of the knife with a curved word on the bottom of the blade that almost the first letter touched the hilt of the knife .

But it was still blurry and not enough to make heads or tails about the whole story , although he tried to view it differently and more clearer he failed . It was enough to make him be sure of something either it was him that kill this woman in front of him or it was someone else that attempted to frame him to murder and a tag of "murderer" for life .

"Am i the one who kill her ? " was the thing he murmured under his lips to be shocked by his own hoarse voice , crispy and bold nonetheless pleasant to the ears .

He realized that there wasn't enough time to waste here so he put everything in his upper body to roll him self on the opposite side of the pool of blood and in a fluid motion get up from his crouching position . after he got up he searched for a source of water and a useful thing like a dirty or useless clothes to clean this mess first then finding a solution for the body .

Seeing his surroundings identical to a hotel room with kind of expensive furnitures makes him feel joy because he could play it smart and he only needs to clean the floor , so he searched the cabinets for clean towel then he wet it using the water to clean the floor .

After 1 hour of suffering and tiredness he became able to finish it and move to the next stage of his plan :

"The process of making the murder attempt to a suicide case " .

Even he himself was afraid of his own genius mind to think this far ahead simply by being in the hard seas with this situation , so in an attempt to move the body to the bathtub he he lock his body with her shoulder blades and hands under them he drag her backward to there that almost make the wounds on the body to opened up again and a new gush of blood that made a straight line like an after effect which brought him to another mess to clean .

It was a battle of seconds so he tossed her body in the bathtub and then started strip her clothes to wash the finger prints in case things go south so he got another clean towel and after a round up clearing and "making sure to be safe then sorry" he go and check the windows and face a white dot in his point of view that pop up another safe measurement for him to come out clean.

You see what would you make out of a winter's snowy weather and an expensive hotel room ?

means the guys was loaded so he check his stuff to found a bunch of gloves that were identical to flashy women gloves that they wore to keep their hands suffering of the cold , it was a golden goose so he pick them and wore them although it wasnt convenient it was better to leave a finger print to face the outcome of "life time jail".

After he checks everything is in place with the body , he clean the knife and get hold of her hand to put the knife in it and with a bit of strength of the grip he made it to slit the veins on her left hand wrist for making an impression of suicide attempt and then with both hands he strike the wound he had made before a few times to looks like she make that wound by self harm too , the perfect example of "hitting two birds with one stone" .

The true magic trick comes later in a knock on the door as explained by the house keeping service applier , he was so immersed in thinking of the solution to lose track of time but at the end he came up with one hell of a sparkle in darkness .

'What if he could make it a suicide after a murder?' Isn't it perfect ? Of course it is

He has already attempted one whats the limit now ! . It was actually a thing that comes very strange to him but he didn't feel a thing even after murdering someone , so thats why the twisted thought came to his mind .

So after he wore the woman's scarf to hide his face and the classical flashy hat he opened the door and after asking for the man in offer to come in he closed the door behind and after a few minutes when he goes to clear the bathroom he go silently follow him but he got shocked to the core to realize he didn't emit a sound and it was like second nature to him .

So after they both got there and the scene made the staff to got frozen in place , with a fluid motion he bang his head to the walls and and knock him out, then use the woman hands as a doll to get hold of the knife and slit the mans throat in one fell swoop.

And now mission completed with perfect pointers, so he use the momentum to position both bodies in respective manners like the girl was getting raped by the man and the fight broken because of that so after properly checking all possible outcomes he left the room and got out of the hotel as fast as he could .

The first impression of his self recognition was as an "abomination" or a "murderer" a "monster" to be precise , but he accept it only out of curiosity of self configuration

To find his true story .