a new start

the amazement from the new abilities haven't still died out when he encounter a new discovery about himself . in the inventory he got a 3D holographic view of himself and he was shocked to the core cause he was pleasant to the eyes and hot , 'surely i got good genes from both sides to be such a lady killer' was what came on his mind after this discovery .

he was tall with the height of 1.85m and got a chestnut body full of muscles and look like the veteran athletes in martial arts ,a shoulder length blond hair that was a match made in heaven with his sapphire blue eyes . he was born a heart thief for the young minds his age .

the real helpful and amazing thing was he could store anything in the dimensional inventory if he didn't score next the current limits of it . even his clothes was movable and removable with a thought , it sure was helpful in the times of need especially the dimensional cube that can be used to store important stuff.

the limits was not a killjoy cause he could "upgrade" it with nature points like the robotic voice recounts , everything is possible with them . so after distributing +20 nature points for each stats and spending the whole +200 points he moved to check the result outside his villa , just to be safe to not break a thing or two .

first was the strength test so he punched a tree with a thick bark and it goes in deep and leave a punch mark not so deep but enough to see the changes , although he was sure it was easy to break a few rib cages easily with that kinda strength. the next test was agility so he got a run in the open field of the garden and was almost shocked to feel his speed because he was almost near to break his own nose running straight to a wall . he was running similar to a seasoned field runner that is betting his everything to be the first to win the first spot .

this time he was going to test endurance so he pick up his baseball bat and strike it straight to his legs that almost caused him losing his ability to walk but got enough endurance for the bat to end up broken in half and striking the ground instead with a loud thud .

"wow so everything is real , huh ? almost cant believe i have got this op simply by adding points to my stats ! it almost made me wonder what will become of me if i keed add points and increase them to the limits ? hell yeah i can even fly with enough agility if i keep these points piled up ".

"for the last i keep the intelligence because i have got another useful thing that will be hell of a damn upgrade with my intelligence , it was called photographic memory. so im gonna need my library again for the education purpose, to learn and memorize some helpful stuff . "

gods was on his side because his library was full to the brim with every subject like math , science , chemistry , medical books even books about sailing and model and fashion instruction manuals could be found there . he picked up some of the medical ones and read through them and after few hours of speed reading he was shocked with this revelation that he could remember every word and sentence with ease without forgetting a thing or two . the real surprise was he could understand human body and its anatomy like the back of his hand with just a search in his memories .

it was like the added points was overpowering the "photographic memory ", with any incraese in intelligence it will help him understand them besides just remembering them . a new pleasant discovery for him .

the test with the stats was done and he was impressed with the power of the "system" and the "domain admins". it was a rough day for him so he goes to sleep and slept like a beast in hibernation for half a day and enough for him to "start a new life" with a new day .

he was in dire need of money because all the money that wh*re took was out of his reach without the resources and Authorities of the Wingmoon family . so he was thinking of the simplest way to earn big money in the quickest way possible , with gambling and lottery tickets . after he learned memorized every knowledge about poker and dice rolling and stuff to make it big in no time he went nights to the casinos and buy 3 winning lottery tickets with his "future leap" ability he got for his first quest completion.

it was always his wins when he play in casinos so they started call him "the leech" because whenever he goes to a casino , he would reap whatever money they got with his crazy wining streaks. whenever he got wining tickets he was always wining it big like hundred of thousand of bucks per so it didn't take him long to be rich a** motherf***er .

going from poor abandoned and forgotten heir of a noble family to a multi millionaire in just three weeks was a good news for someone like him . with his accumulations of over 200 millions of dollars he was ready to step up his game by investing his money on digital currencies that with his investment researches he learns about their future rising value potential so he invest like 100 millions on them and with his knowledge of medical he was thinking of enrolling in beauty and "body care" career.

so in one of the biggest shopping center he bought a huge spacious store to sell self skincare products and give services like massages and skin serums bathes that smooth up the skins and lighten the color of the skins and make them shine like sunshine .

he got so famous that every beauties and celebrities of the state of Alabama have checked it out and after seeing the results becomes the VIPs of there . even he get the chance to meet one of the lovers of one of his cousins that visited out of curiosity and after seeing the manager was him was in the verge of a "mind breakdown" . 'i mean how can a good good for nothing bastard can hit the balls in the eyes like this in this little time from the plot of his relatives ?' was what he was thinking but forced to swallow it back when he was really close that her heart was melting from the hotness of Ethan to the point of wanting to r*de him out straightly.

the result after she got to her residence was mind blowing to the point that the change made Jake Moonwing to be so obsessed with her to the point of making out with her double times with his other lovers. after Ethan found the news he laughed his a**es off to the verge of tears , but he was happy to get a chance to get back at those bas***ds . the lady luck was on his side for giving him this pretty chance of "revenge".

that was when a new quest pops up that gave him the best joy for having the backup of the "domain" for asking for the same things was his purpose , for revenge and getting back at those who got him wrong . the quest descriptions read as this :

"nature domain seeks true values in equality of the things and will not stoop low to let a contestant mourn over his matches so of course the admins will have his backup and make his wish come true , so i hope you can hit and steal his most loved lover heart and make him lose what he thought as his possession to make it equals for nature". it was simply asking him to make his cousins lover in to his own lover for the sake of greater good (domains wish of equality).

the duration of the quest was 1 month so he got enough time to just steal a measly woman and earn a lot of points like the ones he got when he do acts like massaging ,reading, excercising and everything but in a more massive way. for example if his quests would give him +100 nature points every other simple actions would give him +1 nature points for doing that actions completely in a long period so surely it takes hours to just got +5 points with a quest it was easy prey for him.

his respective stats was as following now :

strength : +200

agility : +100

luck : +1000 (for wining lots of money and investing in future he becomes able to top this up )

endurance : +200

intelligence : +500 (after learning several useful things and doing researches for his formulas its the outcome )