
The Game

David stood dumbfounded, mouth open in horror, for exactly seven seconds before hurling himself towards the already closing trapdoor.

"AMANDA" Her name ripped from his throat over and over as he pounded the floor to no avail. Minutes, or hours, later his voice gave out and his face was wet with tears. He looked numbly at his hands, bloodied and bruised from punching stone.

"Sad isn't it"

David whipped around, his hand finding his knife. A man stood in the doorway, much of him hidden in the shadows.

"Though not unexpected...but always so sad" He shook his head.

'Was he speaking to me' David wondered "who are you?" He demanded through gritted teeth "where's Amanda, where's my wife? WHERE'S MY WIFE!"

The man gave no indication he had heard him. Finally, he looked at David, right in his eyes. "She was your wife? Sorry to hear that, this will be a bit more emotional then, but no less fun" he chuckled. With that he walked into the light, somehow lanterns carved in the walls had been lit. The man, if he was a man, was dressed in all black, whether it was one cloak or pieces of clothing was impossible to tell. His hair was nicely combed, his features pleasant, his demeanor though gave out a chill, like a cold winter breeze.

"What do you want? Where's my wife?!"

"Oh she's safe, she's quite a ways down and quite safe."

"Bring her here now..." David started forward with his knife.

"My, my, aren't we the brave one..." The man casually motioned with his hand at the weapon. David immediately dropped it, it was red-hot like it had come out of a fire. His eyes shot widely up to the man.

"...what do you want..."

"I want to play a game."

"...a game..."

"Yes, one I've played for countless years, starting with that silly king you're seeking"

David's eyes widened.

"Everyone comes seeking his secret, my secret actually, I want to play a game, with you and your precious wife. It's called Loop."


"It's simple really, you go rescue your wife" he stepped to the side and motioned through the door. "Every time you fail you'll end up back in this room, where you can choose. Start over? Or give up. Starting over means you go again, Giving up means you leave out that door" he motioned behind David "and your wife stays...forever"

"Never!" David shook his head as he screamed.

The man stared, then laughed. "So many others have said the same, mothers, daughters, brothers, lovers, adventurers, prisoners...they all gave up. Except one..." he seemed to trail off. "In any event, we'll see how you feel in a couple of years...or a hundred." He started to walk away through the doorway.

"Wait...how do I win?"

The man turned "you free your wife"

"....what's your name..."

"Call me...Legion" and with that, he vanished.