Chapter 9: Ignoring her

Calypso's POV

It's been two days since we climbed the mountain.

I tried my best to act normal towards Finn.

Even though I was so annoyed with what he just did to Lyrie, I decided not to dive in. The more I include myself, the more my attention is drawn to Lyrie and I hate it when I see myself like that.

For two days, I even avoided going to the store.

. . .


I let out a deep sigh here on the veranda. Somehow I was able to breathe and take all these easily. I can see the beautiful mountain view from here and the silence along with the cold and fresh air.

The sky is orange again.


It's really nice--


My forehead furrowed and led my mouth slightly open.

Lyrie's face suddenly flashed in my mind. The same time of the day on the mountain then, afternoon. When I turned to her and she was looking at me.

I forced to close my mouth and closed my eyes in annoyance.



What the!!

Suddenly someone grabbed my arm!

My eyes widened and I turned around and--


It was just James, covering himself with just a towel.

"Oh?" I let out my irritated response.

"I have a story for you ..." he said seriously while looking straight at me.


"What's that?" I asked.

"You see.. one day, a very handsome man wanted to take a bath"

My forehead furrowed.

He's narrating that like he's like telling a fairytale story.

"The problem is he forgot to buy shampoo and he's trapped on just a towel covering his beautiful body" he stopped looking up as if he's thinking.

"He doesn't want to seduce girls with his beautiful body when he comes out naked so… he looked for a kind friend who could help him." he continued, I backed away slightly as my eyes narrowed at him.

Looks like I already know where this is going.

"What can you say, my good friend--"

"Eh!" I whined!

"Oh please, the change is yours" he annoyingly tried to convince me.

"What am I? A kid?"

"Oh yes you are," he said, poking the side of my belly like a kid!


"No, no, no, I'm just kidding please, bro, pretty pretty please… look I'm almost naked already!"

"Why don't you ask somebody else!"

Annoying! I really don't want to go there!

"They're not here! Those guys might be exploring the deep secrets of the town, I don't know! Please go ahead! You're the only one with me here!"

Hayyyyyy! What good timing!

"Tss! All right, all right, give it to me!" I grabbed the money from his hand then turned around and walked away.

"There you are! My friend is really kind" I even heard him say as I turned around and left.

Tss .. whatever.

Straight away...

I went down the stairs.



I walked and seemed to be very calm, but the truth is I'm nervous.

I simply grabbed the chest. I could feel the uneasiness of the thing inside it.

I was close to the store and from here I could see the man buying there.

"Hoooooo ..." I breathed slowly, trying to calm myself down.

I closed my eyes for a moment and stared with no emotion on my face. Then I walked closer to the store.

I saw an old man, he was still there standing so near at the store window so I waited on one side.

A minute later, the old man was still standing where he was, pointing to something.


I think it took him a while to buy...

I came closer to the window of the store and saw the old man who had been standing in front of it. I think he was about fifty years old.

"A-ah that's it, miss" I heard the old man say while pointing at the shelf of noodles. Lyrie turned there and--


My eyes widened!

The old man held Lyrie's hand that was resting on the window counter!

Lyrie immediately turned around and quickly removed her hand that was already under the old man's hand!

I frowned at the old man.

"I-I'm sorry miss, my hand is already shaking cause you see I'm-- I'm old, he he he..."

But he looked before placing his hand, it was weird.

"W-Where were you pointing at?" Lyrie's conversation changed.

This felt different...

It's obvious from her expression that she is no longer comfortable in the presence of this old man.

"Ah yes, there" the old man pointed out again.

Lyrie didn't look back at what the old man was pointing at.

"What's that?" she calmly yet straightforwardly to the old man.


Lyrie walked over immediately and picked up those noodles on the shelf. That shelf was high so she squatted to reach it and--

! ! !


I-I can see her back!

I immediately took my eyes away somewhere!

I shifted my gaze to the old man so as not to see it again. For a few seconds, my forehead frowned. I noticed that the old man was still looking inside the store while licking his lips!

What on earth is up to this man...

His eyes were moving as if it was following something.


I followed what he was looking at and...


My eyes widened!

He was staring at Lyrie's revealed skin!

I clasped my hands and looked sharply at the old man! Irritatingly he didn't feel my presence and he's still doing what he's doing!

Aaaaaaaah! I can't stand this anymore!

I walked over to him and touched him twice. Just a few seconds...

His eyes widened looking at me.


I smiled bitterly,

"I'm sorry, did I bother you with ... your indecency?"

"A-What are you r-referring to, son?" I can see the nervousness on his face.

"What am I referring to? Do you want me to really say it to you, Sir?" I approached him and stared sharply into his eyes,

"I know what you're doing, I hope you have respect even just for her." I took a glance at Lyrie then immediately returned the sharp gaze to him.

He swallowed and averted his gaze. He looked at Lyrie in a daze.

"A-All right, miss, I'll just take these'' he stammered. Handling his payment hurriedly and left, avoiding looking at me.



I heard Lyrie's weak sighs from behind me.

Clenched my fist, and closed my eyes in annoyance.

Why did this have to be this hard!

I immediately faced her, I saw she quite stunned when I suddenly faced her.

"Next time, when you know you're being harassed or something, speak. They can't do anything then. Besides..." I quickly looked at what she was wearing,

"... nothing. I-I'll just buy one shampoo, can you..." I immediately said then avoiding my eyes passing her, I focused myself getting my payment in my pocket. I put it on the counter.

What am I saying?

. . .

I regained my sight when I felt she did not move.

She just looked at me like I did something strange.

I raised two eyebrows at her and so she immediately walked over and handed me the shampoo. I picked it up and without hesitation, turned away.

Turning my back I took off my mask, released the facial expression I was holding too hard earlier.

Tshhhh… I thought won't talk to her again? What happened, huh?!

I couldn't get that out of my mind as I walked home

. . .

Haaaayy… when it comes to Lyrie, I always get to swallow my own words.

I am now lying in bed while being crazy thinking this nonsense. I remained my sight following the rotation of the ceiling fan.

Did I do it right?

Do I look concerned?

Maybe not?

I-Isn't that right?

"Ahhh..!" I buried my face against the pillow.

I'm talking to myself! What have you done to me, Lyrie!

* tok tok tok!*

I gasped and looked at the door, startled.

"Come in ..."

* quuuiiiiiiik .. dug!*

It's Finn.

He walked towards me, holding his phone,

"Look at this, bro. Sir Andy has a proposal with our band. It's freaking good, what do you think?" he said while showing on his phone the email from Sir Andy Dotelo - manager of a large and famous bar in Manila.

I put the pillow back on my face,

"Yeah ... That's, great .."

"Haha happened to you?" he asked laughingly. I didn't say anything right away.

"By the way, I went to the store a while ago..."

I opened my eyes.

" ..Lyrie is really more beautiful when she wears more like that .. "

My forehead frowned.

" ... looking hot," he continued.

She was wearing the same thing before. Shorts and a t-shirt with a crop top.

There is nothing wrong with that but sometimes the real problem was from the ones who look at it.

Tss… my does he have to say that to me?

"So?" I stood up from the bed and walked to the door. I was about to turn the doorknob when…

"Hey bro!" he said, I stopped.

"What happened to you? Since we came back from the mountain, you've been like that to me"

Yeah, I'm not really good at hiding...

"It's nothing, " I said.

"Bro what was it? You're not like that e-"

I'm stunned.

"... Do you want me to tell you?" I said, showing no interest.

Don't start a fight, Cal.

"What's that?"

My two eyebrows met. I heard that from him. I stood straight and face him.

Is he serious?!


"What are you up to with Lyrie? Will you just flirt with her until we leave here?"

I said bluntly.

"What do you mean--"

"You know what I mean. You lied to her. Catherine isn't your little sister, she's your ex!"

"How did you know about this?" he looked startled.

"I was there," I answered quickly. I don't want to go beat around the bush, right now.

He didn't answer and just kept staring at me.

"What?" I asked.

Suddenly, his expression gradually became gentle.

"B-Bro, I really don't know. I think .. "

He averted his eyes.

"I like them both"


"That doesn't make sense! You're a man now! Act like one! Lyrie will be hurt if you continue doing this" I can't stop myself from sounding annoyed. I really am.

"I-I'm confused!..." he stopped as if something had crossed his mind.

"Wait… this is my decision. " he stopped, narrowed his eyes on me,

"..why are you acting .. like that?"

Nope, we aren't going there.

"Don't change the subject, Finn. You better fix this before you hurt anyone" I said then immediately turned the doorknob and left the room. I closed the door.

I don't want to hear what he has to say. Maybe he will notice me even more.


I should stop this. I'm too obvious now.

I need to go somewhere...

I took my jacket hanging on the pole rack and put on my shoes.

"Ralph, I'm just gonna go somewhere, might come back later," I said to Ralph who was sitting comfortably in the living room while tapping on his cellphone.

"Where?" He said, still looking at the phone.


"I'll just go and go back later"I put on my jacket and went down the stairs.

I stepped my feet on and on until I reached the ground. I looked at my feet.

Although I'm not sure.

Where will these take me?

Lyrie's P.O.V.

"Okay, thanks, young lady"

"Mmm.. thank you, Ma'am--"

"Lyrie!" I heard Ralph call my name as he ran towards the store.

"Oh?" I responded.

"Have you noticed Cal pass here? It's been four since he left earlier, and he hasn't come home yet"


I turned to the wall clock on my right.

9:03 PM

"It's nine already"

I looked at Ralph again.

"Did you try to call him?"

"We did, but we cannot contact him,"

"All right, I'll just close this, then I'll help you find, "I said, then quickly closed the store with Ralph's help. Fortunately, there were no more buyers so we went straight to search.


"Where is he?" I whispered.

We went around the three streets here but we couldn't find him.

I'm bothered...

*ringgg ~ ringgg*

I turned to Ralph who immediately took the cellphone and peeked at it. When I saw who was calling, he turned to me.

"Wait a minute ..." he said then walked a bit farther. I looked behind him before continuing to search my eyes around, hoping it would hit something.


Dark and concentrated yellow light in every corner illuminates all around. There were just those who were outside.

Where would he be? It's late...

"A-Ah Lyrie…" I turned my back at him,

"I need to go home first. Let's go? I'll bring you to the store"

"Ahh all right.. I'm fine. Maybe later, I'll just look around here first" I said

"A-Alright, sorry" he scratched his head. "Thanks for helping .. I'll keep going now. Be careful..." he said. I nodded and then waved, he hurriedly walked away.

Seeing him in the distance I tried to take another walk down that street and looked around.

. . .

! ! !

I grabbed my chest.

It was like… hit by a sudden nervousness.

I continued walking, faster now, while still holding my own chest. It's weird, I feel weird.


I stopped.

I looked back that way where I heard that groan.

In the alley... ten steps from where I am...

Am I getting this right?

I won't be… no, that shouldn't be Calypso.

Now my heart beats faster and faster...