Chapter 5 The Dying Will seal

After Iemitsu heard the Vongola Nono suddenly say a special task, Iemitsu had immediately thought of the task details concerning his adoptive son, which was a piece of sensitive information in the Vongola Familia concerning the origin of his birth Xanxus. When Iemitsu had first opened the Special Task case, the Vongolo Nono had sent him a while ago before Timoteo had actually visited Japan for both vacations and Iemitsu's favor.

The File contained details relating to the incident a few months ago relating to his previous case, specifically the Ireggolare Familia and the double agents discovered in the Vongola. The information the file discussed that those events were actually on a planted evidence from the original conspirators, specifically the Varia's Member Squalo.

The Document had listed that in the last few months. However, it still hadn't been confirmed, the people of Varia, another subgroup of Vongola similar to that of CEDEF, except specializing in the assassination and the dirtier side of the Vongola Familia, had been preparing for seemingly something big due to them actively buying off many weapons such as guns, ammo, etc.

And it also told of top-secret information, which even surprised Iemitsy, since even if he was the leader of CEDEF, he rarely observed such secret information in the Vongolo Familia, especially concerning the Vongola Bosses. The report told the details of a possible coup de ta from the Varia Subgroup in the Vongola Headquarters and the plan of overthrowing the sender of this file, Vongola Nono. Along with the shocking info that the Vongola Nono's son Xanxus was actually not a legitimate member of the Vongola Family, which in turn disqualified him from becoming the Vongola Decimo in the future, which this info was actually a relief for Iemitsu since by the attitude he saw from Xanxus in the past, the boy had a very rough and unpleasant attitude, fitting for the leader of Varia but not as the Vongola Boss.

And lastly, another twist he saw in the file was that according to the file source, the informant who had given this information, seemingly to Vongola Nono himself, was Ottavio, the current second in command varia.

When Iemitsu first saw this info, he was very alerted and surprised since this info should be highly classified, so ever since he got the file, he had been researching extensively with his co-workers of Cedef in finding more evidence of Varia's activities, and also preparing them when the Coup de ta will begin, so that this coup will cause the damages in the Familiathat will be minimized. However, as expected, Iemitsu only told the members of Coup de ta the bare minimum of info and did not tell them the highly classified info as he was not sure if he should tell such highly classified info without Vongola Nono's permission.

So now, after finally hinting that the Vongola Nono wanted to discuss this topic, Iemitsu then started to tell Timoteo the gathered knowledge from CEDEF, as well as his questions concerning why Timoteo had shared this highly classified to Iemitsu, as well as why Vongola Nono who already had gotten his hands on this information, had not told the entire Familia of Varia's plan to Coup de ta, and just like in the file, said that we should observe and prepare for Varia's coup instead of stopping them before it even began.

[Timoteo](While Whispering) "Iemitsu, although I can not say it here right now, since some of the guards here may... leak out our conversation, All I need to say about the Coup is that the cause of it is most likely because of my son's Xanxus finding out about his history, although I know he isn't my legitimate heir, I still see him as my son, and if I can convince him to stop when the coup has happened to calm down his anger, I would do it. Although this is just an old's man favor for you, so as before, I'm sorry for giving you and CEDEF a ton of more work in minimizing the Varia's damage in the headquarters when the Coup de ta finally began.

After hearing Vongola Nono's words Iemitsu, understood Timotheo's words as he himself was a father and understood what Vongola Nono had wanted to do Xanxus, so despite him not liking extra work than they already have, as CEDEF is known in the Vongola Familia to be the busiest group in Vongola due to them, being required to gather info from the other 6 major factions and take on various missions from the gondola.

After talking to Timothero in the limousine, of some causal talk, like discussing their favorite boozes, the state of the Familia, what Timotheo's will do in Japan for his vacation. After a pleasant conversation with Timotheo, they had finally arrived in the Sawada Household after a while.

After helping out Timoteo, who wore a blue Hawaiian shirt with purple flower-like patterns all around it, giving the Vongola Nono, who is one of the most respected and feared member of the underworld, the feeling of meeting a nice older man that you have known for ages, had surfaced in his look. In contrast, Iemitsu wore a formal suit earlier when meeting Timoteo had known changed back to his ordinary clothes, consisting of just a white t-shirt and blue pants.

After the Limousine and the guards had been ordered to park a few places away from the Sawada household, and just ordering them to stand on guard nearby in any case if someone had planned to do something dangerous to the Sawada household.

After Timotheo had done this, he and Iemitsu had finally entered the Sawada household; when they entered the house, they both saw that Nana was currently cleaning the house, and after she noticed that her husband and the visitor he had told her earlier that would help Tsuna seal his Dying Will Flames.

[Nana]" Oh, Honey and Mr. Timoteo, you finally here; I welcome you to our humble abode, and please make yourself at home; you and Mr. Timoteo're here to meet Tsu-Kun right, I apologize. Still, Tsu-Kun had left earlier to play with his friends earlier who came to play with him earlier. Still, right about now, Tsu-Kun should be arriving back here for his lunch, so if I may be rude, can Mr. Timoteo."

Seeing how nervous Nana was in front of himself, Timoteo then said to Nana in a calm and kind voice to calm her down.

[Timoteo] "Ah, your Iemitsu's wife, aren't you. Please don't be nervous here. I only came here to help your son after all, and I also came here for a vacation after all, so I wouldn't mind waiting for a little while to meet the little one since I don't have any business to do later anyway. And don't be worried you Husband and I has known each other for years now, and I consider him something similar to my own son, so you don't have to be too formal with me. And after all, I see that your a bit wanted on Iemitsu here, haha."

And after that had happened, Nana seemed to be thankful to Timoteo as she sees that the older man wasn't what she thought he would be as a mafia boss, as her first thoughts when seeing him was that despite his kind old man look, since she knew the man's identity, from her husband's introduction earlier this morning was the mafia boss, which her husband was working under.

And in turn, after she calmed down, she then led Timoteo and Iemitsu to the living room, as she also served them some of the treats she had prepared beforehand in treating a guess, as she finished cleaning the house, to wait for Tsuna's arrival. While Iemitsu and Timoteo, who were waiting for a bit, had started to continue their conversation from the limousine earlier and Timoteo asking some questions concerning Iemitsu's family and Tsuna's condition for him to require to be sealed.

After a while, a knock was heard on the door, and when Nana, who had just finished cleaning, heard this, she then opened the door to see Tsuna, who was slightly dirtied after seemingly playing around for a while.

[Tsuna] "Mama, I'm Home."

[Nana] "Oh Tsu-Kun, your final home, there is someone here to visit you, and It's one of daddy's work buddies, so be respectful to him, understand."

[Tsuna] "Yes, Mom"

So after the short conversation in front of the door, Nana then picked up Tsuna into her arms as she dusted off the dust in Tsuna's clothes, with her hands as she carried him towards the living room, to finally meet Timoteo which her husband told her could help their son to live a normal life in the future.

When the two men saw Nana enter the room with a little boy in her hands, they knew that it is probably about time for Timoteo to help Tsuna seal his dying will flames.

When Tsuna saw the older man in the room talking to his father, he knew it was probably the work buddies his mom told him that was here to visit him. Due to Tsuna seeing that Timoteo gave off the kind grandpa type of vibes, he immediately felt comfortable around the older man, as when Nana finally let him down from her arms, the older man then started to talk to him kindly and asked some questions to himself, that Tsuna felt was actually weirdly happy after just meeting this older man right now.

Then after a few words, The older man suddenly asked Tsuna a question that his young mind still couldn't understand fully.

[Timoteo] "Young Child, what would you use power if you have it?"

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[Timoteo Pov]

When I first saw the child that Iemitsu had asked me to seal his dying will flame, I was first wondering if the child was a troublemaker and a bad kid for Iemitsu to seal the child's flame this young, that the child would have no way to control it just yet. Still, when I finally saw the child being brought by his mother, I saw that the child had a very innocent and kind face, although seemingly being too calm as a child his age.

But I was surprised that the child had looked very much like the first generation Vongola Boss aside from the young child's brown hair, unlike the first boss's blonde hair, Giotto, just based on their calm look and bright orange eyes, that was portrayed in the hall of Vongola Bosses founded in the Vongola Headquarters.

When I started talking to the child, I realized that the child was very kind indeed, although shy and timid compared to other kids his age; after the few questions, I wondered what Iemitsu had wanted to seal the child's flame since by the child's attitude I doubt he would use it for something bad. He might also become a suitable candidate for the CEDEF seat position if Iemitsu wanted t, but when I silently asked him why did he want the child's death will be sealed, Iemitsu just told me that he wanted to let his son live a normal life, away from all the things in the underworld.

And as I heard his words, I understood his view since I see that despite living in the underworld, it is safe to say it is a perilous and wild world that I agree that most people wouldn't want to be involved with. So after understanding Iemitsu's thoughts, I then asked the child a question that had randomly come from my heart that is a bit related to Xanxus.

[Timoteo] "Young Child, what would you use power if you have it?"

When I asked those words, I was both surprised and worried about how the child will answer the question as I knew that the child wouldn't probably know what I meant exactly being only a pre-schooler after all but, then the child answered with an answer that was completely different from Xanxus's answer when I asked him the same answer as before.

[Tsuna] "I do not need power, and if I do have the power, I only wish to protect my mom and dad along with my friends."

As I saw the child's pure eyes as he said this, I just nodded at him, as I then raised my finger slightly into the child's forehead while letting out a dying will flame that will conduct the dying will ritual as I whispered to the child slightly.

[Timoteo]"If one day you will unlock this seal, I will be certain that you would grow to become a good child and maybe... become someone in the mafia world, would need...

And as I sent my dying will flames into the child's forehead I saw that the child slowly looked sleepy as he fell asleep.