Chapter 12 Timeskips Year 1

[Year 1 after Tsuna obtained the System][ Tsuna Age 7; the Year 1998]

After the day when Tsuna had obtained his system and had completed his Inheritance first quest from the system, Tsuna's life didn't change that much in the following years; In the few months of obtaining the System, Tsuna had primarily only trained his system skills as an extra part of his life, as he didn't feel the need to become strong at least for now, since he had thought that according to the AU of his world from DWF's memories nothing really of note in his life or the world in general until he turned 14 which still would take him eight years from when he had received the system and the only notable events that he knew would happen, would only occur in Italy which he knew that he wouldn't be able to go to, as well as that Iemitsu, was once again in his year-long work, only returning a few times or non at all in a year. However, Tsuna and Nana can still contact him with phones and letters he sends about every month.

In the months after Tsuna had fully obtained the system, as stated before, Tsuna had trained many of the skills he had gotten from the system ranking all of them up to the third rank except for assassination since as predictable Tsuna couldn't rally train this skill as he didn't have anyone to assassinate , on average. And as Tsuna did train his abilities and strength from the system, after a few months of training, he was finally able to unlock his dying will flame through the dying will ring he had obtained. And the reason that it took so long for Tsuna compared to the AU version of himself was that despite already knowing the method of releasing due to a silver-haired guy from the AU of his world, had mentioned that he needed to solidify his will and resolve to summon the dying will flame on your own accord.

But Due to Tsuna lacking any current resolve at the moment, aside from getting better control of his skills, living relatively everyday life with his friends, and studying reasonably better since he would finally graduate pre-school the next year and enter elementary school with good grades to make his Mom proud. His lack of resolver resulted in Tsuna having a somewhat difficult time in finally manifesting his sky flames. Due to some unknown reason, in the first year after gaining the system, Tsuna still failed to manage to feel or display the copy flames he had received from the DWF from another world, or maybe the Copy Flames was that DWF.

So due to that, Tsuna wasn't able to use his copy flames at all in the first year and had only trained the current skills he had obtained from the Inheritance Quest and Newbie Gift pack. And in the note, Tsuna in the first year also observed that aside from random quests here and there from the system, mainly relating to helping others, which made him become a well known, good kid along with with the neighborhood for helping many people, gaining respect from others, like when one time the System tasked me to help out some students who a bully group was bullying in the area, which made me received a title of "The Calm Justice" which was hella corny, and honestly a nickname you would expect little kids, to give to someone, and thank god it didn't get recorded in my titles in the system, since it would be really embarrassing even if I am the only one who could see the system, which I found out as I casually tested it out on Mom at one time.

And similar to quest like those, which only gave me a bare minimum of system points, adding my system points from 750 to 15500 along with gaining most of them from most of my schoolmates due to them constantly respecting and being grateful to me whenever I help them, such mostly gives me 5-105 system points every day from all of them. I had used 9000 points of said gained to unlock three of the locked tabs in the system, leaving only 1 of the tabs in the system to be locked, mainly being the inventory tab which, as its name specifies, allows me to store all of my items in it with a default size of 60 slots with 60 stacks for each slot, and would require me to pay additional 1000 system points to gain more slots in the future, which honestly makes me think that this system is really greedy on system points even if it is the one supplying said points from all the random quests I get from the System and the points I get from people.

Along with that, I also the tab Lottery, which as it names says, gives me the function of gambling 1000 points of mine in the lottery to win a random price in the lottery, that could even give me a legendary grade item but with the insanely low chance of 0.001 chance. When I first unlocked this tab, I almost wanted to curse at it for being too expensive while having insanely low odds of actually getting something higher than a rare grade, which had a 25% percent chance. In comparison, Super Rare had 10% percent, Ultra Rare 5%, and Mystic being a 1% chance of dropping.

But when I thought it in the long term, the odds might become in my favor in the future but definitely not now since I can mostly earn the 15000 system, which even though it sounds a lot, only lets me roll 15 times before I officially lose all the system points I can earn in the year. But base on the system's combat-related strengths, maybe at the time when the AU version of my world starts to happen in my world as well, then maybe it could give me more beneficial Quests which could give me better rewards than a few experience points and system points, which my status level currently by the way is 7 with a danger level of 2 which at least is a higher one than before since I was only a kid back then, with no strength whatsoever, and had no experience in fighting yet and hadn't practiced the skills I had obtained.

And the last tab I had been already talking about earlier was the tab of Quests which as it name says, gives me various quest from the System, divided into five parts of Main Quest which is empty, Inheritance Quest which is empty as expected, Job Quest which is empty as well, Relationship Quests, which does have quests on it occasionally, giving me quests to ranks up my relationships with people, including Mom, Ryohei and Kyoko, which until now were the only people that had appeared, on it which according to the relationship tab gave me to rank 8 with mom, Ryohei with 5 and Kyoko with 6 ranks. Aside from increasing my affinity with them, it also seems to strengthen them, which I don't think they realize yet. And the last quest bar, which I had been using this year to earn a significant amount of system points aside from getting it from my peers and gaining XP and prestige XP, the Random Quest Tab, which occasionally gives Tsuna a random quest to complete. Which of note, Tsuna had only gained about 65 quests the whole year, which made Tsuna think that Namimori was a relatively peaceful town, which made it a bad place for system quests, which required at least some sense of a notable event to happen nearby.

And the reason that I have yet to unlock the last tab of the system, which costs 10000 system points, almost an entire year's worth of continuous grind for system points, another need to unlock it seems to be to unlock the super rare section of the shop first which requires prestige points, which I only had gotten to level 2 this first year, which shows the difficulty of its rank up since it can only be obtained with reputation related system quests, which are already rare as it is. And I saved most of the system points, currently being 6500 since I thought that I would need them in case of an emergency that could happen, which requires me to become more powerful instantly with the system's use.

So in overall in the first year after I had obtained my system, most of the things that I had done other than training all my skills, completing random quests from the system, gaining System points to improve my current skills, and unlock many of the functions of the system, as well as just hanging out with mom as any normal family does, and friends as well mainly being Kyoko and Ryohei who is the closest friends I have currently.

[Year 2 after Tsuna obtained the System][ Tsuna Age 8; the Year 1999 ]