Doctor Apostate vs Jager Hakan

Salasa City, East Celebes

Inside a coffee shop, there two men were talking while looking the coffee menu. One of those men had head is almost bald and had fat body. He weared white costume embroidered with gold thread on it.

Meanwhile the other just wears casual clothes and has thin body.

"This coffee has a great taste, mr. Ansa. I know you are the coffee fanatic," the man in casual clothes said.

"Gold Arabica? I like it but not much. I like the African Kick more than this Gold Arabica," the bald man named Ansa replied.

"This one?" the clothed casual man said while pointing at a coffee menu. "Umm, I am still curious about those people who called you as APOSTATE. Did you really leave your old faith?" he continued.

The bald man stared at the coffee shop owner then smiling.

"That's not true, Daeng. I'm still in my old faith. Maybe these people are scientists who are disappointed to my decision to divert my passion from rasional to nihilism," Ansa said. "Superstition exactly. I have learned about magic from someone kind who has helped me out from bad fate. Her name is Sandra. An oracle from Magma Kingdom."

"An oracle? Hmm, I need to talk with her. I want to know what is my luck next," Daeng said while scratching his head.

"No need, mr. Daeng. I will tell you on thing about you," Ansa said while looking at Daeng.

"What's that?" Daeng looked curious.

"Daeng a Blue Sorcerer." Ansa left Daeng.

"Hei, where are you going, mr. Ansa?" Daeng chased the bald man.

"My wife is waiting for me. I forgot to buy birthday cake for my only daughter. See you," Ansa said as he walking hurry.

Daeng just glued at his position while staring at Ansa.

"Wife? Daughter? He had lied," Daeng muttered.

Meanwhile Ansa who is walking hurry heading a football field that has been abandoned for long. He saw a small plane on tilted position above a tree and an abandoned building.

"Are you mr. Ansa the White Sorcerer?" a voice of a girl heard of behind Ansa.

Ansa turned his head at the girl who clothed maroon and bringing a short sword on her back.

"Yes. And you are?" Ansa stared at the girl while trying to guess who she is but failed. "This is impossible. I can't guess you, young girl. You are definitely not just any girl," he added.

"I am Heria. Princess Heria Jamakri daughter of King Haban Jamakri and Empress Kitauki Somulan. Lady Sandra has told me to find you, mr. Ansa," the girl who is Princess Heria said made Ansa surprised.

"So the time has come. The apocalypse is upon us. That's meant Magma Kingdom has fallen and the Heart of Fire has been in enemy's hands," Ansa muttered.

Heria just stared at Ansa. She looks like in affraid and lost.

"I'm sorry. It's too late to save your family, your home, your life, young girl. But I promise to protect you as I can. Lady Sandra is my friend. Even more than that," Ansa said while staring at Heria. "Come. I will bring you to safe place. I know the enemy are looking for you, princess. He knows that you will be his doom."

Meanwhile at Magma Kingdom that has been ruined by Jager Hakan and his Devilroar troops.

Inside an aula at Kingdom palace.

"Dog! My plan has been ruined cause of the little bitch! After obtaining the Heart of Fire, I planned to find Heart of Sea. But, I delay the plan to find next heart. My new plan is finding the girl and killing her! She will be my troublesome. That will ruin my all plans to bring this planet to Ordinen!" Jager shouted while be witnessed by Devilroars.

"You are so useless, brainless flying wolf!" Jager threw some objects to some Devilroars that are around him until thrown.

"Prepare to find the girl! Kill everyone who protect the girl!" Jager shouted while pointing his hand to the air.

At a night in a room inside a house located at Salasa City.

Heria suddenly waked up when hearing loud sounds like flapping wings outside.

"Princess, has you waked up? Stay close with me. It's the cryptid creatures coming to get you," Ansa said while entering the room where Heria was still siting at her bed.

"I know. But what will you do to resist them?" Heria said.

"What? Are you doubting me? I am a sorcerer. I can fight them using magic," Ansa said then creating a circle made of orange light that patterned a star.

Suddenly the room's windows hit by some Devilroars that coming then attacking Ansa and Heria.

"This is why they call me DOCTOR APOSTATE. Magic is opponent of rasionalism," Ansa said then attacking the attackers using his magic light.

"God damn it! I forgot my wand. It must be useful to hit those flying wolves," he spoke while burning a Devilroar until vanished.

Meanwhile Heria is hiding behind Ansa while cowering affraid.

"Can't you fight?" Ansa asked during the breaks of his battle.

"My father and my mother didn't teach me how to fight," Heria replied.

"So, what did they teach to you?"

"Politic and how to be a political expert."

"It's embarrasing. They thought the Kingdom will keep in peace."

Ansa slashed a Devilroar using a saber made from light of magic.

"This is my masterpiece. Come to the death, wolf head," he muttered.

But suddenly a big one of those attackers comes then kicks Ansa fast.

Cause of the kick, Ansa thrown then hiting wall.

"Mr. Ansa!" Heria shouted while running to Ansa.

"Watch out!" Ansa shouted when seeing a big object flying fast toward Heria.

Regardless of his pain, Ansa creates a magical circle that he uses to fend off the flying object.

The flying object that is a concrette hunk exploded after hit by the magic circle.

Then Ansa and Heria see the leader of those attackers who is Jager Hakan.

"We meet again, princess." The alien comes front of Ansa and Heria while stepping materials ruins like glass or destroyed wall.

Ansa stepped forward to protect Heria while creating magic circle.

"Your life is full of tricks, wizard. It will not work to me because I am the master of controlling," Jager said while lifting a hunk of concrette up using his telekinesis ability.

"Let me see," Ansa talked then using his magic circle to attack Jager.

Jager fended of Ansa's attack using the concrette. After that, he pulled Ansa's body then throwing the man outside the room.

"Mr. Ansaaaa!" Heria shouted followed by Jager's stare.

"Now, there are no one protects you, princess. My goal to you is simple. You just need to die," Jager talked while forming a hunk of concrete becoming concrete spikes that be launched toward Heria.

But a circle of magic colored orange teleported all of these spikes into another space. So, Heria survived from the attack.

Not only that, the circle of magic succeeded to bring Heria away from the front of Jager. So, for the second times, Jager has lost his prey.

After succeeded to escape from Jager's assault, Ansa and Heria are now inside a house right front of a stunned man who staring at them both.

"My goodness! Mr. Ansa? What's happened?" the man who is Daeng said while approaching closer to Ansa.

"We're attacked," Ansa said while breathing up and down. His lips seem bleeding.

"Attacked by who? Oh, damn. Your lips are bleeding. I need to treat you, mr. Ansa. Oh, who is she, sir?" Daeng said while looking at Heria.

"She is my daughter. No, I meant she is under my protection," Ansa said while walking helped by Daeng.

"Under your protection? What's happened exactly, sir. I saw you and her suddenly appeared here. Did you use the magic portal, sir?" Daeng asked curiously.

"Yeah, I did that. Mr. Daeng, the cryptid creature had attacked me and her. She is the alien's target because she is Princess of Magma Kingdom. The Heart of Fire has fallen to the alien," Ansa explained.

"I don't get it. But I need to treat you first. Then I will get it what you are talking about," Daeng replied while helping Ansa to reach a room followed by Heria.

Inside the room, Daeng treated Ansa helped by Heria.

"You are hurt deeply, Mr. Ansa. But why does my nape hairs goosebump?" Daeng said after treating Ansa.

"Damn! He smelled her," Ansa said while getting up.

"Who?" Daeng said.

Suddenly a big rock comes from the palate then hitting bed where Ansa lying of before.

"Holy crap!" Daeng shrieked.

Ansa created a circle of magic to resist the next attack that coming from outside the house. At least five rocks have been destroyed by circle of magic created by Ansa.

"Mr. Daeng, protect her. She is the main target," Ansa shouted while pointing at Heria.

"Yes, sir. But, don't forget to buy my new coffee menu," Daeng said while escorting Heria to the safe place.

"I like the African Kick more than the other menu. Just bring her out of here," Ansa replied while launching a light of magic shaped like a missile to a flying object that approaching.

An explosion occured when the light hitting the object. After the explosion, Jager appeared before Ansa.

"You always prevented me to get her. You must die for that!" Jager using his ability to throw objects to Ansa.

"Holy crap!" Ansa swore while creating a magic portal to teleport these objects to other side.

But, when doing that, Ansa missed off that Jager has arriven front of Daeng and Heria who are in way to go to somewhere.

"Finally I get you," Jager said while throwing a spike toward Heria.

"No!" Daeng blocked the attack reflex.

As the result, the spike stabbed on his chest.

"Gahhhhh!" Daeng fell to the ground.

"No!" Ansa who just comes shouted when looking Daeng stabbed by the spike from Jager.

Jager continued to attack. Next spike comes to Heria.

Ansa created magic portal to teleport Daeng, Heria, and himself to the somewhere under the deep sea in Hindia Ocean.
