Destroyed Temple [Heart of Land has fallen]

At the night in a place located at Samosir Island, North Sumatra

The place is always foggy both on night or day. The foggy place is surrounding a brighter place where a temple located. The temple is not an ordinary temple. The temple is always guarded by weaponized men and women.

Some of them were wandering around the temple until a man weared full body brown clothes arrived. (Those guards just weared short pants colored brown, meanwhile these women guard weared bra to cover their breasts).

"Everyone, listen. I have heard a rumor about an invader coming from the other dimension. This invader has succeeded to grab two Hearts of Life Unbalance. They are the heart of fire and the heart of sea. This invader for now is targeting this temple where the heart of land located. Our duty is protecting the temple. Don't let the invader take the heart of land. Because if they succeed to take the heart of land, the apocalypse is upon us. If the invader compile these hearts, the fourth heart will be activated. You must know what will happen if the fourth heart activated. The apocalypse for this planet," the man talked long widely.

"Understood, chief. I will tell the mist man. He will be our toughest defender to face the invader," a woman guard said as she crossing her spear front of her.

"Don't put your trust too much to stranger, Wilda. He is an urban citizen who isolated himself to Foggy Land. Not impossible for him to break our civilization. Moreover he is a mixed thing between mist and human," the chief said.

"He is unique, chief. He could transform to horrifying thing that could eat all living things without doubt," Wilda said.

"I suggest you to believe nothing to him. He is a monster. I saw the monster form when he killed those hunters," the chief said.

Suddenly the place is fulled by fog colored orange. The fog transformed into a creature that had terrifying form. It has 4 meters tall.

The creature roared front of the chief.

"I have heard what you were talking, Sidasa. I feel offended because of your talk with the smelly girl." The creature apparently could speak like human.

Wilda smelled her body starting from her armpits. "My body has good smell, you freaky!" she swore.

"No offense, mr. Roni. I just suggested my men to not believe too much to stranger like you," the chief called Sidasa said.

"I am not Roni. I am the Unthing, the great Mist-Thing has ever," the creature that called itself as Unthing said.

"Unthing, can we come home? I miss my Pecel Lele. Please, I am hungry," a man was heard saying without unknown where he is.

"Shut up, you trash eater! I will not let you eat the trash again. Just follow my habits. You must eat every living food. I want you eat monkey head alive," the unthing said with loud voice.

"Oh, come on. You just need to listen me, Unthing. We need to go home. My boss must be mad about my absence from work," the voice of the man said.

Sidasa just stared at the Mist-Thing while hearing something strange coming from the sky.

"Incoming!" Wilda shouted as she looking up to the sky while preparing her spear.

Suddenly an explosion happened after a missile hit the temple. The explosion was followed by appearing of hundreds of Devilroars and a huge flying object that presumed as Jager Hakan ship.

Wilda took the attack by her spear. She stabbed all Devilroars which coming to her. But something happens. An aqua beam launched to her.

Wilda couldn't avoid the aqua beams because it's so fast. The girl finally hit by the aqua beams. The effect of it made Wilda floating inside it. She couldn't do nothing.

"Fuck! What the hell is this!" she swored in the heart.

Meanwhile Sidasa and his troops tried to resist the Devilroars attack helped by the Mist-Thing.

Suddenly the aqua beams hit them all until floating inside it like floating in the water. But the Mist-Thing that called itself as Unthing could resist the aqua beams.

"Water will not work on me, asshole!" the thing spoke while throwing itself to a spot where a man weared clothes colored pale blue who is floating in the air.

"But it werk on me!" the man inside Unthing shouted in panic.

"Feel it, pathetic!" Unthing said while launching an attack to the man who is a wizard that we know as Daeng.

Daeng took Unthing's attack using an aqua beam that forming into an ice thorn. The ice thorn rushed onto Unthing so fast.

Unthing didn't avoid the attack until the ice thorn piercing it's body. But the ice thorn passed through Unthing's body like piercing a shadow.

"Fuck! It's so close!" the man inside Unthing swore.

"Shut up! Just keep silent!" Unthing said rude to it's host.

Daeng launched an attack to Unthing using a big aqua beam that shaped a giant rocket.

"You can't beat me with your toy, tricker!" Unthing said while taking the attack using it's two hand that could be enlarging.

"But I can." Suddenly Jager Hakan appeared to slash Unthing's body using a hunk of rock that shaped like a big axe.

The man inside Unthing screamed when the giant axe piercing his symbiote. (Unthing is a symbiote creature formed as an orange mist that can transformed into a terrifying creature when it joining with it's host).


After the giant stone axe piercing Unthing's body, a man aged thirty thrown down to the ground on bloodies condition. Meanwhile Unthing's form was no more. It disappeared blown by strong wind.

Jager laughed loud.

"The resistance is over. Time to get the Heart of Land. Destroy the temple! I can't enter it through the narrow door." Jager ordered his Devilroars to destroy the temple.

In those aqua beams that caging them, Sidasa, Wilda, and the others just stared to Jager and his troops that were destroying their temple.

Jager finally got what he wants. He succeded to get the Heart of Land without any difficulties.

After obtaining the Heart of Land, Jager left the destroyed temple with these people that caged in the aqua beams.

"No need to kill these guys. They will not be troublesome," Jager said as he entering his ship.

But he stopped footsteps. He looked at Daeng who is staring at him without expression.

"Now, you can leave. I don't need your power again. From now, I can handle this alone until the fourth heart activated." Jager entered his ship.

After Jager leaving the temple location, be seen the man covered with blood who is in unconscious lied on the ground.

Suddenly those aqua beams dissapeared followed by these people falling down to the ground.

"Ahhhh, fuck!" Wilda swore while breathing up and down. She kneeled while trying to manage her breath.

"We have been defeated. Our temple is now a ruin," Sidasa said while staring at the temple ruin.

"Roni?" Wilda spoke while approaching the man covered with blood called as Roni. "The Mist-Thing has disappeared. It left Roni alone. It's not a good symbiote for him. But why?" she muttered while staring at Roni's unconscius face.

Sidasa approached Wilda then looking at Roni.

"We need to make him awake. I think from now we rely him. The enemy is too strong. Moreover he used a wizard to beat us all. But this guy is our hope," he said.

Wilda nods her head.

"He must be not so far from here."

Meanwhile at a city at Sumatra Island.

It's night. On the top of a cafe building, a thing looked like Unthing colored black that has a pair of wings is crawling while tearing a human body.

Front of the cafe, dozens of police are gathering while holding guns on their hand.

"Surrender, now! Hold your killing instinct, Arius Zenoa! You are under that thing control!" a policeman spoke through the loudspeaker while looking at the thing location.

Suddenly that thing called as Arius Zenoa jumping while spreading his wings. He keeps to carry the torn human body which seems is a woman.

Arius flied then landing on top of a tree not far from the cafe. Of course these policemen diverts their attention to the tree.

"Arius! Come down, now!" the policeman said while pointing his gun at Arius. "Put her down!" he shouted again.

"No! She will be mine forever!" Arius said with loud voice while preparing to eat the human body he is carrying.

A gunshot heard followed by another gunshot. Dozens of bullets rushed onto Arius.

"Arius the Crow! You need to be taken down!" a policeman shouted while shooting the thing.

Suddenly Arius flies to the under of the tree. He attacked these policemen. He claws every policemen he attacks. Even he pouncing their head until the horrible view lasted for several minutes.

But, suddenly a fiery thing appeared from the sky. The fiery thing is a girl covered by fire.

The girl rushed onto Arius. Her fiery fist landed on Arius's body.

"Stop it, now! You the beast!" the fiery girl said after succeeding to beat Arius down.

Arius growls. His teeth were very terrifying. It's bloodies.

"Don't eat human! Now, you can eat the wolf-headed creature that coming from outer space," the girl said.

The girl didn't wear any clothes. So, she was nude. Just fire that covering her body. But the fire still couldn't cover all her body.

"I am Dewi. Nice to see Medan City," she said while staring at Arius who had transformed into his origin form.
