Struggle until the last breath [The fallen of a hero]

The dust was coming rush when everything destroyed by an incredible power that came from those stones used by Jager. But someone suddenly spoke.

"It's not over, alien! I am coming to slay you!" It's Adam who comes while firing an explosion beam from his metal fist to Jager.

The attack succeded to blow Jager until his body thrown backward. As a come the attack, the power from those stones suddenly shrank followed by dissappear of dust.

"So, there is still a disturber. Fine, I will send you a nice death," Jager said while controlling a huge rock then throwing it to Adam.

Adam resisted the attack using his explosion beam. The rock blown after hit by Adam's explosion beam.

Jager rushed onto Adam while carrying a huge rock using his ability. Adam received the attack using his metal fist. A loud sound heard like to damage ears.

The huge rock blown because of Adam punches. Even he succeeded to hit Jager until thrown then hit the hill.

"Wait for me, friends. You will step your feet again at ground," Adam muttered as he seeing Jager coming out of the hill hole while holding the stick fulled by those stones.

"They must be those hearts. I would to take them all away before beating the alien leader." Adam looked at Jager while activating his metal shield and a long sword.

Suddenly Jager has been front of Adam. Before Adam realized it, Jager had attacked him using a stone formed a spearhead.

"Gggaaahhhh!" Adam screamed after hit by the spearhead stone.

Lucky, his armor was strong enough to resist the spearhead stone that used by Jager. But, the alien leader did what he did before again, moving fast like lightening.

Because of that, Jager could land every attacks to Adam, and Adam, as he could, trying to avoid Jager's attacks.

"As I promised to you before. The nice death," Jager said while stabbing a spearhead stone to Adam damaged armor.

"Akkkkk!" Adam screamed after the spearhead stone pierced his left chest.

Adam just stunned on his position. His sword that has not been used, stabbed at ground. His shield had fallen to the ground.

His left chest looked bleeding. He tried to stop the bleeding by sticking his right hand on it.

"Tell me that you surrender. Say it and I will end you quick," Jager said as he pointing his stick to Adam.

"Congratulations. You have made me in this condition. My struggle will not in vain although I will die after this," Adam said while trying to smile.

Jager narrowed his eyes. "What struggle did you say?"

Adam smiled sardonically.

"This is my struggle. You have missed this." He showed a stone colored white made Jager jolted surprisedly.

"How it could be?" Jager said while trying to capture the white stone or the Hearts of Wind.

"No, you can't." A voice of woman heard behind Jager.

Suddenly the white stone disappeared then it's location changed into in a grip of the woman who is Heria accompanied by several men and women.

After the moment, Heria and those guys disappeared quick.

"Now, you can kill me," Adam said while smiling in victory.

"You die!" Jager shouted while launching a spearhead stone to Adam.

Adam's body fell to the ground on bleedy.

Meanwhile the others just saw at him without being able to do anything because of Jager's power that still trap them.

Now, earth has completely become barren and empty. No live there. The live in earth has vanished after Jager succeeded to annihilate it.

But, Heria has succeeded to bring the white stone or the Heart of Wind. She intended to recover the live in earth using the white stone.

Vanishing quick like a lightening, Jager was no more there, leaving the superheroes floating in the air.

Arsid at his helplessness just staring without can do anything. He just swore in his heart.

"Fuck! I have failed my planet. I have lost everything. Everything has gone. This planet becomes so barren like Planet Mars!"

Meanwhile Arius and Roni had transformed into their original form. They're floating not far from Arsid. Their Mist-Things had disappeared after been trapped by Jager's ability.

Dewi at her fiery girl form, just looked up to the sky. She couldn't do anything to save herself moreover her friends.

"I am sorry, Adam. I can't save you. I am being at helpless. Thank you for salvaging the stone. Maybe Heria will turn things around," she spoke in the heart.

Meanwhile Ansa was in unconscius condition. His body was floating in the air while his face against to the sky.

Zainal who was in unconscius condition, suddenly woke up. He jolted then looking around.

"What's happened?" he said normally as he looking at the others. "Damn! Everyone are in abnormal state. Just me that still in normal state. Wait for me, guys. I will destroy the particles that trap all of you."

After saying that, Zainal casted a spell to destroy particles that wrapping around Arsid and the others.

Several minutes gone.

Finally Zainal succeeded to release his friends from the particles. They're all falling down to the ground but hit a circle of light magic.

So they didn't land to the ground so rough.

After succeeded helping them all, Zainal kneeled down at ground.

"Damn! I am thirsty."

Few minutes later.

Dewi was looked scolding Zainal. She was looked unhappy because of that man lateness.

"Why didn't you do that when the alien didn't do anything that destroying everything yet?" she said at high intonation.

"I was at unconscius, Dewi. The rocks hit me. Didn't you see that?" Zainal replied trying to defend himself.

"That's just your stupid reason. It showed me how fool you are!" Dewi said as she looking sharp at Zainal.

"Easy, Dewi. We can't blame him after our failure to save earth. That's not his fault. The alien is the real major actor," Mardi said as he trying to mediate both of them.

"As a wizard, he is very slow, Mardi. Even though his ability needed so much when at the situation. Because of this failure, I am very down!" Dewi said as she breathing up and down.

"Alright. That's my fault. Everything wrong is my fault! Are you satisfied!" Zainal said with high tone while staring unhappy at Dewi.

"Enough! We can't save earth by your argue. Now, stopping your argue. We have to find how to turn things around," Arsid mediated them while pushing Dewi and Zainal away from their position.

"By the way, I and Arius have lost our Mist-Thing. I don't know they will come back or not," Roni suddenly interrupted. "And by the way, I wanna eat Pecel Lele. Sadly, our planet has been ruined by the fucking alien," he added.

Arsid and the others just stared at Roni without expression.

"We need to wait for his conscious. Maybe he has way out," Arsid said while looking at Ansa who lied on the ground.

"Guys, someone has called me from the headquarter. I think Professor Crazy is still in there," Nindy suddenly spoke while showing her tablet.

One hour later.

All of these superheroes have been at an empty area that there is a basement under it. The basement is a secret room that stores laboratory items. The basement is also a home for a man called as Professor Crazy.

His real name is Brandon Walt. He is a scientists chief at the facility.

"Welcome, honey," Professor Crazy said when Nindy coming front of him after entering the basement.

Nindy just smiled while pointing her plain thighs.

"What are you doing? Showing your pussy to this old man?" Dewi said while pushing Nindy.

"There is no great accident in this world except women dare to show their genital to the other," Marwan said while passing them. "I don't need your check, Professor Mesum," he added.

After everyone gathered inside that room, Professor Crazy opens that meeting.

"Gentlemen. Our planet has been ruined by Jager Hakan. But that is not the end. There is still a hope. Our friends from the Temple Guardians are trying to regain the earth life. When they are doing that, we must protect them. Lucky for us, there is a good news. But sadly there is also a bad news," he said while passing the view.

"What's the good news and what's the bad news?" Dewi asked as she staring at Professor Crazy.

"The good news is there are some people like all of you who come to join us to fight the alien leader. The bad news is there are at least one thousand alien ships at Earth's atmosphere. These ships are Kasalga Empire's own. That's ridiculous for the alien empire to invade the planet that has been dead," Professor Crazy explained.

"Maybe they want to take the core of Earth. But to what?" Marwan said.

"No. Not for that. They come here for war. They knew about the Earth's defenders," Professor Crazy argued.

"It still didn't make sense, Professor. Moreover all human or the living things have been dead because of the Jager Hakan's stony stick. Lucky for us not die caused by that," Arsid said.

"Let's make it like this, mr. Arsid. Do you think the remain humans were still alive just us?" Professor Crazy said while getting closer his face at Arsid.

"I don't know. But maybe there are many people out there who survived from this disaster. Moreover if they are superheroes among them," Arsid replied.

"So, we have to find them. There are several who survives from Jager Hakan attacks," Professor Crazy said. "Maybe they are looking for us."

"Sorry to interrupt, sir. I can't fight anymore. My symbiote has disappeared after the particle trapping me," Roni said while waving.

"Mine too," Arius interrupted.

"That's your own business. I don't care," Professor Crazy said making Roni and Arius stunned.

Meanwhile at a beach which fulled by wreckage, a woman who has Asian face mainly Japanese, was standing up while looking up to the sky.

"So, the invasion from the outer space is real. I need to find my old friend. Mardi, I am really shy to meet you. I still feel guilty about my fault," she muttered while bitting her lip. "But I have to find you. Earth needs us. We have to save earth."

After saying that, the woman floated to the up. Then she launched like a rocket to the south.

Meanwhile at a barren mountain.

A young man who was walking while holding on to the protruding rock. His face was shown tired.

"My friends have died. They all died cause of the explosion. But why wasn't I dead? I need to find that guys. The people who struggled together with me to fight the Skullface," he muttered while sitting on the ground.

"Mr. Arsid maybe know about this phenomena," he added while looking at a shadow of someone who approaching to him.

"Benni Wardhana, can you come with me?" the someone who is a girl in red said after arriving front of the young man named Benni Wardhana.

"You must be Mira. A Red Witch. Not Scarlett Witch, sadly," Benni said while staring at the beautiful girl in red named Mira.

"Why must be scarlett?" Mira said while walking front of Benni.

"Nothing. I just like scarlett than red," Benni said.

"I live not to impress you," Mira said.

Benni chuckled.

"No offense. By the way what's happened exactly? This planet suddenly becomes barren after a great explosion. I think there is an invasion from the other world," he said.

"We will know later," Mira said while pointing at a big cloud above them.

"Finally I can ride the white cloud," Benni commented.

Meanwhile at an Island that fulled by ruins of buildings.

There are three women who weared armor made from metals. They are Lady Shela, Lady Ahel, and Lady Sarda.

"We have to find Princess Heria. She must be need our help. Jager Hakan is targeting her. Moreover the white stone has been at her hands," Lady Shela said. "But where should we start?"

"We need to find your old home, Lady Shela. I miss the moments when we lunched together," Lady Sarda said.

"What? Are you crazy? Earth has been ruined by Jager Hakan. So my village of course has no more," Lady Shela said while staring at Lady Sarda.

"Stop talking about unimportant matters. We have to leave this island. Perhaps Princess Heria is in grave situation," Lady Ahel said while looking at dock. "These boats are useless. We need the faster vehicle," she added.

"I will find the plane for us to go out from here," Lady Shela said while leaving.

That's just few people who has special ability who will come to turn things around after Earth be ruined by Jager Hakan. These people were trying to reach one point, the location where the final batle will last.
