Earth has been saved [Final Chapter]

A loud sound of an impact heard when Jager hit Arsid who is in his Blackrubber costume. Because of the hit, Arsid thrown away until hit person behind him.

"Watch out, man!" the man hit by Arsid shouted while grabbing him. "Do you still remember me, mr. president?" he added.

"Thank you. I am sorry for this weakness. You must be Aji, right? I need your help. Please protect the girl. She is trying to control the floating white stone but she still couldn't meanwhile the alien is still attacking her. Our friends can't hold the cryptid for long," Arsid said while breathing up.

"Of course, mr. President." Aji jumps after saying that to join in battle that lasting several meters front of him.

Aji used a light wood mace to attack Jager when the other were being busy to protect Heria.

Meanwhile at another side, Lintar used a lightening to fight the alien.

"It's not impressive." Jager catched the lightening then throwing back to the owner.

"Shitlicious!" Lintar shouted while jumping aside to avoid the lightening.

The lightening hit a huge rock that was used before by Jager to attack Heria and her protectors. Then the rock blew into pieces.

"That's not cool!" Aji shouted while hit Jager's head using his light mace.

The impact was incredible. Jager's head pushed right so hard. His neck was looked like broken.

"Magnificent, magnificent," Lintar exclaimed when looking his friend succeeded to break enemy's neck.

But their admiration ended so quick when seeing Jager could restore the position of his head back to normal. The alien leader could heal himself then starting to attack again.

He attacked Aji first then Lintar using several huge rocks that flying like a drunk bird.

Aji could resist the attack by hitting those rocks using several of light maces. Meanwhile Lintar resisted the attack using his lightening bolt.

Meanwhile Heria who was trying to activate the white stone was visited by a man in pale blue or aqua. The man was Daeng who was floating in the air.

"Let me help, my princess," he said while landing front of Heria and the others.

"Get back! Don't trust him. He is Jager's collaborator," Wilda said while pointing her spear at Daeng.

"Easy, my lady. I am not your enemy. The alien has done a mistake by letting me go. He counted you, my princess. But he doesn't count me as his doom. Get rid your ego. Let's fight together to destroy the invader alien," Daeng said as he looking at Heria and Wilda.

"I don't trust you! I hope all of you don't trust him too," Wilda said while moving forward as she pointing her spear at Daeng.

"Let him help. I know him. He died after trying to protect me from Jager's attack. Maybe you will not believe that but it's true. Now, put your spear down," Heria shouted while her hand waving front of her face.

"But, my princess." Wilda looked at Heria.

"Trust her, Templar. She is our princess. I know her more than you," Lady Shela said while approaching Wilda. "Moreover Ansa and Zainal were the wizard who raised this guy from death using Heart of the Sea."

Suddenly a huge fire blazed in the sky when Dewi and Wawan fought with Jager.

"Ansa, Zainal, maybe you can help Princess Heria to activate the white stone. You can work together with this blue guy," Mardi shouted while protecting Arsid from Devilroars attack.

Ansa looked at Daeng who was still standing up front of Wilda who was protecting Heria.

"Alright. We have to hurry. Come on, Zainal," he said while flying to Heria followed by Zainal.

"So, what shall we do?" Zainal asked.

Ansa looked at Mardi.

"Don't let Jager reach both Heria or Mr. Arsid. They are very important for us to regain our earth," he said loud.

Mardi nods his head then approaching to Arsid.

"I don't know what I must do next. Don't tell me if I must go to the past," Arsid said when Mardi, Nindy, Adi, Wawan, Dewi, Marwan, Aji, Lintar, and Mira surrounding him.

Meanwhile Lady Shela, Lady Ahel, Lady Sarda, Sidasa, Wilda, Roni, Arius, and Benni were protecting Heria. Meanwhile Ansa, Zainal, and Daeng were helping Heria to activate the white stone.

These three wizards were casting their spell to help Heria to activate the heart of wind or the fourth heart.

Meanwhile Jager was bothered by these fighters who wants to recover earth from serious damage.

"I forgot something. Mira, can you support these wizards? You are the witch. You helped us from the attack in Osaka," Mardi shouted while seeing at Mira.

Mira just stared at Mardi. Without answering the man, she casted a spell through an old book covered by sheep skin. Then Mira floated to the air. Then she approached at Ansa.

"Let do this together to regain our planet life," she said while while flashing her spell to the white stone.

After these three wizards and one witch casted their spells to the white stone, Heria felt her power raising up. So, she can activate the white stone fast.

After being activated, the white stone was glowing so bright until everyone couldn't see anything without exception Jager and his Devilroars troops.

But among them just Arsid who could still see everything. Just in seconds, he is suddenly teleported to somewhere that he ever saw before.

"This is?" he muttered as he looking around.

A hill that had been visited before when first fight against Jager Hakan. At the foothill, Adam met with his death.

"Why am I here?" Arsid walks heading the hill.

Suddenly a huge thing flies from the sky to the hill then landing at the peak. The flying huge thing is a ship that known as Jager Hakan's ship.

"Jager Hakan's ship? So I was teleported to the past. Alright, I will fix everything before my planet ruined by this barbarian," Arsid muttered then running to climb the hill.

As he expected, the ship is Jager's own. Jager is just alone without his Devilroars troops. He is looked jumping from his ship's bridge to the ground.

"This is the place where the Heart of Wind located. I have all hearts already. Now, I will activate all of this to summon Heart of Wind," Jager said then floating those stones that are hearts of fire, sea, and land.

Then he activates those floating stones using his ability that is telekinesis ability. Then those heart stones glow so bright.

The glow colored orange, aqua, and brown is mixing then creating new light, the white light. Then the white light is transforming into a stone that known as White Stone or the Heart of Wind.

But suddenly Arsid appears then interrupting that white stone transformation. The result is, the white stone dissappears quick.

The moment makes Jager surprised and mad so bad.

"God curses you, pathetic human! You have failed me! You must die!" Jager roared then throwing a huge rock shaped a giant spear to Arsid.

"Oh, crap!" Arsid just said short when seeing the huge rock that rushing onto him.

But suddenly Arsid dissappears from the place makes the rock hitting empty lane.

Jager and his ship also dissapear leaving those Heart Stones that also goes to vanish from the hill's peak.

Finally the reality changed. The ruined earth now has replaced by earth like earth before Jager's attacks.

The reality has been reset. Now, earth is in peace without any harm from outspace.

-- THE END --

- First after credit -

Arsid was sitting on the chair inside a cafetaria. He looks at a TV screen that showing a vigilante costumed like a civet cat, handcuffing a long haired man with red tuxedo.

"You will not go anywhere, Jo. Your crimes are too many. But for your crime on this one, I can't forgive you," the civet cat costumed man said then pushing his prisoner to a supercar colored gray.

"Hahahaha, Arkim my little friend. With my pleasure to be your prisoner. But remember, Johar always found way out," the prisoner who called himself as Johar replied while laughing then entering the supercar.

After the scene, the civet cat costumed man drives his supercar to bring the prisoner to somewhere.

Arsid just stared at the TV screen.

"Was that just a drama crime?" he said while looking at a bald man that standing behind cafetaria table.

"Didn't you see the 'LIVE' word at the screen? Maybe you need to talk with the man named Arkim. He is a real vigilante. Just like you, mr. Arsid," the bald headed man replied.

"Nice idea, Mr. Ansa. Earth has saved, at last. Now, I can go to my bed," Arsid said while leaving.

"Don't sleep on day too long or you will die early," Ansa exclaimed.

- Second after credit -

In a large hall that has very high eternit inlaid by hundreds of black crystals.

At a yellow long rug, a giant creature that looked like human is standing front of at least four another creatures that has smaller size. The giant creature has dark brown skin with his eyes that always lighting up.

"We've lost Jager Hakan. He failed to bring earth to me. It's a big insult to me! I want to invade the planet by my own hands! You are four, prepare the fleets to enslave the earth!" the creature said with high intonation.

"Guraaaa...!" All of these creatures yelled after their leader spoke to burn their spirit.

---- THE END ----