Chapter 2

Xiao zhan's P.O.V

I can get any job I know but this one was best one because I can spend much time with my baby lion and the pay was enough for both of us. Now I have to find a suitable job. I have to pay for the rent and other things which is necessary for living. I know cheng will help me but  I don't want burden him.  I am doomed now. What should I do now. I have to call cheng and shije maybe they can suggest me something. But before that I have to pick my baby lion from school.


God has been always biased towards me. When I was only 2 year old, my parents died in accident. I have no relatives so I was accepted by an orphanage. There was some other boys who used to bully me and beat me. But at last I found my best friends who helped me a lot that time.

Now we are living like a family. I always want to be an artist so I went to study arts in ABC University.

I got scholarship which covered my college expenses. We three friends work as a part timer at a restaurant which can help us with living expenses.

Our Owner was a good man he helped us a lot. He Always gave us dayoff whenever we need to study for exams. We went through a lot but we tried to be happy always because we have each others Support. After graduating from college one day I went for an interview. While returning home I went to nearby park to get some fresh air when I saw some boys were beating a small child who was crying loudly. I felt a peng in my heart. I was seeing my childhood in the face of that child. I went there and save that child I asked him ,,"what's your name? " . He opened his beautiful innocent eyes and looked at me

" I don't know. I didn't do anything wrong please don't hurt me I will do whatever you tell me to do please don't beat me" he answered in almost auditable voice.

"Where are your parents" I was concerned

"They are dead" he replied and a single tear flowed through his eyes. My heart breaks to hear that.

"Then where are you living boy?"

He pointed towards a small hut where an old age women was sitting and begging for some money to people walking on path.

I hold his hand and smiled. At first he was shocked but than showed me world's most beautiful smile.

"Will you take me there" I asked and he nodded. After we reach at the hut the old woman looked at me and smile.

I bowed to her and asked her how she knows the child. She told me that she found him unconscious on the roadside and took him in as he has no one else.

I was happy to know that there are people who are not rich by money but heart. I gave her some money and promise both of them to visit soon.

Day After that day I got a job of An intern at very big company.

It became my routine to went to meet them after finishing my work at office.

One day when I went to meet them I found him alone crying. As he sees me he run towards me I pick him up and asked him why he is crying.

"Grand Ma is no more. Now I have no one. God hates me I have no friends." I hugged him.

He was crying nonstop at then fainted.

I took him with me at my small apartment where I and cheng was living. Yanli my shije was living with her Boyfriend. She was lucky that our universities president's son fall in love with her. They both are going to marry soon. Well I personally didn't like his boyfriend but if she is happy than I am happy.

I want to take care of him. I called cheng and shije and told them about my decision. They were happy. From that day he became my happiness . He is very smart and intelligent. I am trying to earn more money so we both can lead a good life.

Flashback ends

I dialed my bestfriend's number after few rings He picked up.

"Hello cheng..... I am in trouble" He said he is busy in work and we can talk when he'll be back home.

I sighed "okay I am going to pick Yuan, bye."

And after disconnecting the call I walked towards school gate where Yuan will be waiting for me.