chapter 07

The weather was beautiful that day. A Young Man aged about 27 was running behind boy. ' I am going catch you huan... You can't run away from father.'

'hahahah 'the child giggles as He is running with his small foots taking fast step to win the race.. 'come on dad'

On the other side A beautiful young women was Painting something. A little boy is sitting beside her.

'Bo, always remember mumma loves you and kuan A lot. I will always be there. ' And the child was pulled into hug.

It was the last time when the boy felt her mother's warmth.

She was suffering with COPD. That lethiferous disease was slowly decomposing her body.

At last at that Night she left behind her beloved and two small soul alone.

Kuan was 10 year old he was more mature than his age, after a month he collected himself but yibo was younger barely 4 year old. Her mother's death had a bad impact on his life. He closed himself. His father and brother tried hard to cheer his soul but his mother's absence was too deep.

After a year his father married to another woman .

It was tough to letting in the new person in your life and for yibo it was more difficult.

' when mother is father's soulmate so how could his father marry other woman & replace her place'

.This thought made him loose his faith in love'

His brother explained him that they need a mother and their father also need a good life partner as life is a long journey..

They accepted her.

At first she was so loving and kind to the boys but slowly she was revealing her true self.  She often use harsh words and physical torture to scare yibo.

Yibo tried to talk to his dad but latter was too blind to see the truth ,he thought Bo doesn't want share her mother's place.

This was not enough the destiny was holding many other Strom for them. His father died in an accident and the witch woman kicked them out.

His father's best friend took them in and as he was alone he treated them like their own sons.

These terrible incident impact greatly to Yibo's innocent mind.. the cheerful child became Cold and heartless. He trust anyone apart from his family. And only care about his closed one specially his brother. His brother was become his shadow & started taking care of him like a father /friend.. His dream was to become a doctor but for yibo he studied business and took his uncle's business in his hand so yibo can pursue his dream, live his youth life fullest which he didn't get to live.

When Yibo decided to setup a new business and he helped him with that.

When he decided to marry the girl he loved ,Uncle was upset , he didnt like the girl but yibo pursued uncle to let them marry. After that brother and ziyi started to live on other penthouse. But still his brother is always beside him and uncle.

He loves his brother and can kill anyone who try to harm him.

He is happy his brother find a beautiful and loving life partner.. But he decided to be alone. He closed the door of his heart.. He was handsome and Rich.. many girls & even some boys throughs themselves to his feet but he never took a glance at them.. that's why yang and Seung call him 'monk'..


A man is sitting on a high back chair. Closing his eyes... deep in some thoughts

Triiiing.... A sudden call made him come out of his thoughts.

It was his brother..


"Yibo... Are you still in the office. It's 1 Am you should go home. Uncle was worrying about you. "

"There are some pending work brother I'll sleep here tonight after finishing. Will go home at morning. "

"Have you had dinner" he was worried

" Yes brother" I lied.  And he noticed already.

"Hmmm... Yibo don't stress out yourself. I know you wanted to open the Gallery in 3 month ,on mother's birthday but we both can manage.. Don't drown yourself..... Pleasee" I can sense concern in his voice.

"I am fine. Don't worry brother"

He sighed "okay"

I sighed and put both hands on my face.

It's been a week to incident and I made myself busier than usual. I haven't been home since them. I spent most of time in office and after that at my mother's house.

'I am worrying them too much 'I finally decided to go home. I texted my brother that I am leaving for Mansion.

As I reached there I knew Uncle must be sleeping so I went directly to room to get some sleep, I was too tired that I soon drifted into deep sleep.

Next morning

I woke up with bright light. I looked at watch 11 Am.

'ahh.... I slept a lot & feeling refreshed. '

After a long I had a good sleep.

I should go to meet Uncle.

I freshen up and decide to go down to join uncle.

As I came out of room I was surprised... Laughter and snickering buzzed through the hall.

'hunh... In this Mansion I never heard loud voice and now the whole Mansion is echoing.

That beautiful voice was coming out of uncle's study room. My steps automatically leads me there...

As I looked at the person seating with Uncle...I was shocked.... I didn't even recognize my feelings..

I should be angry this time but Why I am feeling relaxed...

'what this person is doing here'

I am more shocked to see my uncle who was  cheerfully talking to him. He rare shows this side to anyone. For the world he is strict and dominative..

And than the person smiled wide after my uncle said something 'i even didn't listen what Uncle said ... I was totally focused on the person sitting there....

'Beautiful'  my mind says..

Those thin lips and that smile...

'wait what... What I am even thinking'

I knock the door.. and Nod to Uncle. He smiled.. He was happy to see me after a week " finally you are home my child. I was worried you know." He tried to be angry but I know he was happy to see me.

I walked towards him.

.  I took a glance ,the person who was laughing brightly a min before went silent.

Uncle sense his awkwardness..

"Ahh Yibo I have told you about my Assistant... meet Mr. Xiao Zhan.. What a smart young man he is.."

Zhan smiled stands and bow to me... I nod in return.

" This is Wang Yibo, my nephew.."

He smiled hesitantly while I took a seat beside my uncle.


'what the hell .. Is he Following me.. I have to find out what is his purpose for working here'

I glared at him... I felt happy when I see Fear in eyes.. I smirked.

Zhan excused himself and left out of room to gave them some privacy.