Cora entered the apartment dragging her suitcase behind her.

"By the way my name is Min Joon. I'll be right back".

Min joon walked towards the kitchen to grab his phone. Cora didn't know what to do, she wasn't sure whether she should follow Min Joon or just wait. Since there was no guarantee that Dalton will let her stay.

While Cora waited she thought to herself, Min Joon was a Korean name. She had one too but she never used it. She was Areum. It was a secret, one that Gina was hiding from her. About two years ago, Cora received a strange message on Facebook. According to the lady sending the message, they were related. Her name was Han Sora and she was her aunt. Cora was surprised, her mother never mentioned anything about having any family let alone family living in Korea. Whenever Cora asked about her mother's family when she was younger, her mother used to get angry. Once Gina got so angry she slapped Cora. Cora never asked again.

Through her aunt she found so many things about her maternal family. She had grandparents as well as a great grandmother who was the matriarch of the family. All this was exciting for Cora because it made her feel less lonely and somewhat connected to Gina. Gina was never close to her. Cora enjoyed the stories and pictures her aunt shared especially those of her mother. She found out that Gina's Korean name was Han Ji-young, but what surprised her the most was the fact that her dad was alive and she was born in Korea. Aunt Sora said after she was born she lived in Korea for a year before her mother migrated to the States with her.

For two years, Cora had communicated with aunt Sora and now she was ready to meet her other family. Cora finally got the courage to tell her Gina about communicating with aunt Sora.That may have been a mistake. Gina was so mad. This was the biggest argument Cora had ever had with Gina. Gina gave Cora an ultimatum, it was either her or the new family she thought she had found. Cora didn't want to choose, she wanted both. It wasn't like Gina was the mother of the year. Cora felt that meeting her maternal family she could feel closer to Gina.

In anger Cora packed a suitcase leaving New Jersey and coming to downtown New York hoping that Dalton did not hate her that much to leave her homeless. It was possible that Gina would take her back if she went home, but Cora had too much pride. For once Cora wanted Gina to stand by her and support her.

Cora thought, "Maybe this was not such a good idea".