Chapter 3

(A/N Notes: I'm fast as f*ckboy!)

"..." *Standing menacingly with an aura of superiority*

Kimiko was now 16 years old, and right now it was early in the morning and she was standing with her arms crossed right in front of Takashi's home front door wearing her school uniform

*Opens door* "*Yawns*... Hm?"

Then a sleepy Takeru left his house wearing his school uniform with a similar design to Kimiko's uniform

"Good morning, Takashi! I expect you to do your very best to serve me today"

"... It's six in the morning, can't I get a break?"

Takashi walked over to her as he said so

"Servants don't have a break for when they're serving their masters, now"

Kimiko extended her hand to Takashi waiting for her usual tribute of candy from him

"..." *Gently holds her hand*

"..." *Starts trembling and blushing*

Instead, he simply decided to hold her hand, which easily made her feel really embarrassed

"T, that was... Not what I, I was asking for"

"But you still like it, since you didn't ask me to stop"

"... *Pouting her cheeks* Fine! Do what you want since I gave you the privilege to be my boyfriend!"

"... Are you saying I can do anything that I want?"

"Yes, you can do anything you want"

"Including you?"

"Including me!"

"... ... ... You sure?"


"Okay then"

"... Huh? Wait... Uwah!"

Kimiko finally realized what she had just said, but now it was already too late, as Takashi pulled her closer to him, making their lips meet each other


And after a few seconds their lips parted from each other, Takashi looked at Kimiko without having any real change to his sleepy face as he covered his mouth with his closed hand. While Kimiko's face was completely red as she felt embarrassed, confused, and surprised all at the same time

"This should make us even for now"


Kimiko didn't answer as her mind was in complete disarray from her having her very first kiss, since ever

"Now let's get going so that we won't be late for school"

"Eh!? Ah! Y, y, yeesshh..."

Kimiko became extremely docile, that Takashi was able to make her do something without having to waste time on convincing her, and with that, they walked to their school while holding hands

The two only started dating recently, mostly thanks to a little push from their mothers


The two had arrived early to school, and when they entered their classroom their both saw that it was empty, then they simply went to their respective seats, which were right beside each other, and sat down. After sitting down, Takashi made a tired face and sighed, while Kimiko covered her face with both hands as she was still feeling embarrassed from the kiss

"..." "Takashi!"

"Hm? What is it?"

"... Aaa... Hmmm... Err... A, about..."

When Takashi looked back at her, Kimiko started to lose her confidence as she began to feel embarrassed again

"... Y, you know... T, that k, kiss..."

"What about it? Do you want another one?"

"Wha!? No!... Maybe... ... ... Yesh..."

"Then I'll give you another kiss later"


At hearing that, Kimiko felt both flustered and dejected, making her pout her cheeks and look down. Takashi seeing that just made a smug grin and got up from his seat, and place his hand under her chin lifting her face up

"? !?!?!?"

And their lips met again, surprising Kimiko again when their lips parted again, Takashi sat back down on his seat with a smug smile on his face

"You being this innocent, is one of the things I love about you, Kimiko"

"!? T, t, thank... You..."

She could blush and hide her face from Takashi when he showed her a genuinely happy smile as he said that. Takashi seeing his girlfriend acting cute like always, turned back to face the front with a calm face as he enjoyed the morning sun

Minutes later

After quite some minutes, the classroom started to fill with other students, some of the girls were talking with Kimiko, while some of the boys were talking with Takashi

"Nee, is it true that you and Akiyama-san started dating?"

"I, I will not answer that question"

"Don't worry, your reaction already tells that it's a yes"

"It does!?"

"Yeah, even though you're a weirdo with a weird superiority complex, we're still happy for you, Kimiko-san"

"Who are you calling a weirdo!?"

On Takashi's side

"So... What will be our action plan for the raid?"

"How about we just rush in with a bunch of swordsmen?"

"Only swordsmen challenge? Yeah, I'm in for that plan"

"Me too"

"Me three"

"Okay, then how about Thursday?"

"You have my ax"

"And my sword"

"I can't Thursday"

" " "...Why?" " "

"I will have a date with Kimiko on Thursday"

" " "... Go explode, you damned Riajuu!" " "

His friends cursed him since they were all single. Then the school bell rang, making everyone go back to their seats, and right after the teacher entered the classroom

"Good morning, everyone. Today, I have an announcement to make for you all... We will be receiving a transfer student..."

The teacher made a dramatic pause on purpose, making almost everyone in the class tense up as they prayed for the best

"... And the new student is... ... ... A boy"



The girls cheered at their luck, while the guys despaired that it wasn't a girl

"Now, you come inside"

And a very handsome blonde-haired boy entered the class, and when Kimiko saw his face, she immediately thought of a certain person of her past life

"Hmpf, So you all will be my classmates, huh? Maa... You all should be lucky to be rewarded with the chance to study in the same class as me, Dorimu Abe!"

Kimiko then started to search deep into her memories, trying to remember that person's name, and while she did that the class could only think of one thing

They could only think of that at the new transfer student introduction. And Kimiko was closer to remembering the name

And when she was midway through remembering the name, when she remembered the Dio part of the name, another memory came crashing in

"Prince Dio!?"

And she shouted that by accident, and everyone got quiet by her sudden shout, but then

"Pfft... Pukukukukuahahahahahahahahahh!!!"

Takashi started laughing, and one by one everyone else started to laugh, even the teacher, at how well-fitting the thing that Kimiko shouted was to the transfer student

(A/N Notes: But it was me! Prince Dio!)