His presence


This was a single word but had a lot of unanswered questions behind it. She wanted to know why she had never being treated like her other siblings! Why her mother picked on her any chance she got! Why her sister's hated her for simply existing!

The urge to find answers to her questions was so intense that she felt desperate. Desperate to listen to their heartbreaking reasons. Desperate to find even a little amount of love from them. Life had given her everything and yet she had nothing.

Everyone around Qamarstan envied her very existence for she was an epitome of beauty. Despite the fact that she and her other sister's took after their mother's looks, she would always stand out no matter how much she tried downplaying her looks and intelligence.

She lived in a humongous castle which was just a house but never had it been a home for her. Her parents had enough wealth to last a lifetime yet she had nothing to call her own. Even her success would be attributed to her parents as her sires. Such a pity.

She had lived all her life in her family's shadow. She was forced to act the way they wanted her to act in order to please them but it was never enough. Her certificates were stolen and used by her sisters.

Her name was used to attract attention from the opposite sex by her sister Ramlah. Everything she had was never hers. Sometimes, she felt as though the only reason as to why she was still part of the family was because she had some sort of use for them.

If only she knew how right her assumption was! Another slap brought her back from her pity party. She looked up annoyed at her younger sister. Her hazel eyes glowed bright yellow as her heartbeat increased in fury. Before anyone could blink, she moved too fast for them to register and strangled Ramlah.

"If you ever touch me again, I will forget that you are my elder sister." The ferocious voice was unrecognizable to the people in the room as they cowered back. There was definitely something up with Zamarad. She was normally timid but today, the aura she possessed was other worldly.

This didn't last long, however. Zamarad felt a sharp pain in her head and closed her eyes to try and get rid of the pain. She never got to reopen her eyes as her body weakened and her legs caved. She fell on the cold floor unconscious.

She fell like a dry leaf that had been drained of its life source. The room started to change after she fell unconscious. The lights went off and darkness took over the space for a few minutes. This made Mustafa and the rest of his family cowered away. The devil was about to make his presence known.

A few seconds passed by and natural light filled the room. A masculine figure appeared with his hair covering his face. Mustafa and the rest of his family were compelled to kneel. This was the thing behind their power. It was the thing that they had worshipped. The only person who was kept in the dark was of course the sacrificial lamb, Zamarad.

Shahzad watched the people kneel before him and smirked. This was not enough to appease him though. He had connected his heart to his beloved's and since the seed growing in her womb belonged to him, he felt the protective instinct of the offspring that had yet to form.

He turned around to look at his unconscious woman. The young girl laid with sweat forming on her forehead. He squatted down and patted his long hair to get a better look at her. Both her cheeks were swollen.

When his gentle fingers caressed her cheeks she flinched even in her unconscious state. Furry and rage grew in his heart. The more furious he got, the lower the temperature in the room became. The people in the room shuddered in fear. No one dared to look up at the man whose heart ached for his beloved. He was consumed by too much rage to notice how much Zamarad was shaking from the cold he emitted.

It was the slight tremor he felt from her body that had brought him out of his clouded mind. He placed his middle finger on her forehead and closed his eyes. "It's cold! I feel strange. Why am I lost in darkness? Why does the darkness attract me? Why do I feel at peace with my heart?"

Shahzad opened his eyes with a gentle smile on his sinfully handsome face. His heart beat erratically. Wait for me my love, I will take you away and protect you till my last breath. I promise to make everyone who hurt you suffer. I promise to cherish you. Wait for me darling. Be a little more patient. I can only meet you like this until you give birth.

If I meet you when you are conscious, I am afraid it would be hard to protect you. Stay strong my love. I will protect you from the darkness as you stay in the lights. These were the thoughts running through his head as he watched his beloved breath softly.

The man was brought out of his thoughts by the sound of Ramlah's voice. "Sire, I am strong enough to be with you. Can you consider me instead of my sister?" It took a lot of courage for Ramlah to ask this question. This was one of the reasons why she hated her youngest sister's whole existence.

No matter how much they looked alike, Zamarad was curvier, more loved by outsiders, smarter, kinder and everything else. Not even their bullying had changed her. The ultimate thing that sealed her fate as Ramlah's eternal fate was because the devil had claimed Zamarad the moment he met her.

She was supposed to be his Queen but of course he had his own thoughts and heart. He fell in love with her sister when she was only ten years old. Shahzad turned around after shrouding Zamarad with warmth to protect her from the cold that would soon resurface.

His Golden pools turned blood red as he spoke in a menacing tone." I dare you to repeat that again! I dare you."