His panic

Zamarad and Arsalan sat at the bench watching the rest of the people move around the market. The ambiance was both warm and colorful. Who could have imagined that there would be peace and tranquility in watching humans being humans.

The man had lots of questions to ask but for some reason felt that his questions were not appropriate for a first meeting. He had noticed that the lady beside him was pregnant. How could such a detail escape his keen eyes. He was a trained first class warrior .

He wished that he was close enough to ask who the father was? If she was married or single? Where her home was and how he could get in touch with her! The questions swirled in his mind but they were never verbally asked.

It was at such an intense moment that they heard a scream coming from the market. A man passed by them running at full speed. The moment Arsalan's gaze fell on the man, he knew right away what the man had just done. Without thinking twice, he took off after the man.

Zamarad was left sitting alone at the bench wondering what had just happened. Not long after, however, she started feeling heavy headed. Ooh no. She thought. Please no. Panic was evident in her word as she managed to let those words out before passing out .


Shahzad had been enjoying the performance at the witches coven . The competition which was just for show had ended. It was time for the heir apparent to be announced.

The Queen of the witches stood up with pride in her eyes. Her daughters had not disappointed her. She felt pride surge through her as she thought of their plan to make a move on the Djinn king.

Well, they were her daughters . She expected nothing less from them. They had her blood flowing in their veins. The hall which was once alive with murmurs from the crowd fell completely silent after she stood up.

This was the evidence of how much respect she had from her people and even other supernatural. She walked to the center of the podium and stood gracefully with the pose of a queen.

" I would like to take this opportunity to appreciate everyone who made time to attend today's event. I am especially grateful to the King of the Super naturals for honoring our invitation. Thank you." She turned towards where Shahzad sat and bowed before turning back to the stage.

" I would also take this opportunity to acknowledge every person who made it today. As we all know, the witches are the backbone between the humans and other super naturals. Thus we are one of the most important super naturals to exist in this realm.

I don't want to waste a lot of time talking about how special we are even though I should. Rather I would like to take this opportunity to introduce my precious daughters to all of you. Amara, Adora and Amira , why don't you come up on stage once more."

As the women walked towards roger mother, clapping sounds thundered into the room. They were well loved among the witches . The girls bowed to their mother before standing erected .

"Once again, meet my princesses, Amara, Adora and Amira."

The clapping continued. Shahzad was feeling bored by all the unnecessary announcement. He hated speeches and anything that he thought was unimportant. Like the event that was going on. He had attended to stay updated. He could have sent his right hand but then there were things he would rather judge for himself.

As the Queen of the witches continued with her rant on the stage, he was busy analyzing the princesses. Amara was bold and brave but he thought in a bad way. She tries to seduce everyone who she thinks is worth her. She Carrie's herself with an air of arrogance which would be suitable for someone with better looks.

Adora was the silent but sly type. She didn't talk much but hid a scheming mind in her head. Then there was the last princess. Amira. Unlike her sisters, she was level headed and humble. She had an air of grace and royalty in her action. If he was to decide, she would make a better Queen than the one who was definitely going to be announced.

Shaking his head, he zoned out and decided to tap into the invincible thread that tied his soul and Zamarad's. At first everything was alright. Her emotions were stable and the baby was fine too. He closed his eyes in order to feel her more. He had missed her a lot. Seeing all those peacocks parading around had made him appreciate having Zamarad as his bride.

He stayed like that enjoying the peace and tranquility that had settled on Zamarad until a sense of panic filled the link. At first it was almost negligible until he heard her panicked voice in his head. He disappeared from his chair and reappeared at the market.

His heart hammered in his chest at what he saw. His bride played sprawled in the bench unconscious surrounded by people who did nothing to help. They were busy talking about her rather than help. He let out a chilling aura making the people disperse instinctively.

He scooped Zamarad into his arms and disappeared the same way he appeared. He reappeared in her bedroom. Gently he placed her on the bed . He felt her head for a possible fever and realized that she had none. It was probably her dizzy spells happening randomly.

He summoned his physician who appeared. Murtaza appeared before his king and bowed in respect before turning to the figure lying on the bed. This was the first time he saw their future Queen. She is in deed beautiful, worthy of the title Queen.

"I will erase those thoughts if I were you. Proceed with your work. Stop looking at your future Queen with such thoughts. " he heard his king's voice in his head. The man trembled as he checked Zamarad's vitals one after another . "She is alright my king. May be a little exhausted. Nothing much. She should not move around a lot during her pregnancy. It would be safer that way for both the little one and the mother."

Shahzad nodded and dismissed his physician with a wave of his hand. The moment the man disappeared, Shahzad let out a sigh of relief. She was alright. She had given him a panic the moment he saw her unconscious in such an open space with people around. She was vulnerable to an attack if anyone had intended to attack her.