His Guilty Conscious

Shahzad could feel his heartbreak for his lover. The thought that his mother was responsible for all her suffering was eating at his heart. His family owed her a lot. A lot more than he had anticipated. At first, he thought that his love was enough to compensate her for all the pain he had caused.

Mother, I respect you a lot and love you even more. At the moment, however, I feel so sad, your highness. I don't want to tell you how wrong what you did was since I was not in your shoes then. I can't say that I understand your actions either. It feels so painful, mother.

Did you know that Zamarad had never known peace in her own home ever since she was born? She had been constantly bullied by her family. They neither cared for her needs nor thought of giving her their attention unless to bully her. No one loved her nor defended her.

Her things were snatched by her sisters, without consent. She had never had the chance to make a choice. Everything she possessed was forced onto her. Mother, I thought that loving her was enough to pay for my sins.

Tell me, mother, how should she show her my face when I forced to love and a child on her? I promised her home, yet I am bringing her into a place where she had been repeatedly taken advantage of."

Shahzad cried, unable to continue. He had been so wrong. He owed everything he had to that girl. His brother was alive because of her. He came to know what it felt like to love thanks to her. Even the throne felt meaningless if he didn't have her.

Shahzad looked at his mother with tearful eyes. He could no longer stand it and walked out of the room. Zain was left behind feeling like a thief. His mother had done the extreme to keep him alive. He felt grateful to her for her effort and love. He wished to blame her for her choices, yet if he was to give back what he took, he was not willing to let go of it.

He had tasted the sweetness of power. How then should he accept being completely helpless? " Mother, thank you for saving my life. I only wish that you had done it differently. I didn't know that I owed most of my powers to a hybrid. "

He also left his mother alone to her thoughts. The information they just received was not something simple. He was initially planning to protect her, to have a life of her own. His mother's truth had just helped him realize how selfish they had all been.

He robbed her of her powers. His brother impregnated her and robed her of a chance to make a choice. His mother stole her soul. Wow! They all stole something from her.

Shahzad, unable to stay away, went in search of his lover. What would happen if she knew the truth.? Would she hate him more? Would she accept him? Will she love him after what his family took from her?

It was because of his mother that Zamarad was deprived of her mother's love and care. He realized after appearing outside her door that it was already nighttime. He could easily visit her in her dreams.

Out of the guilt that he felt, however, he had the urge to touch and feel her body. He wanted to apologize on behalf of his mother and himself. He felt insecure and small compared to the gentle nature she had.

Zamarad, on the other hand, was having a peaceful sleep. Her soul had wandered into the dream where she found peace and love. She could not explain what she felt for the man that took her breath away. His touch, protective nature, and even his jealousy made her happy. She liked the kind of attention he gives her.

Growing up with her siblings was not easy. Unlike ordinary lastborn, she had a completely different treatment from her family. Where others would be doted on, she had to love herself and feel satisfied with the little she got. Sometimes, even being fed was done after a lot of insults, making her feel like a burden.

She was going to be a mother very soon. She had promised herself to be the best mother to her offspring. She would amend everything that she hated about her mother and how she treated her. Zamarad silently made a promise to always cherish all her children without favoritism or discrimination.

She would try as much as possible to be the warmth and home that she never got in her mother. As her soul wandered around the Meadow in her dream, her gaze looked about in search of the man who would always lift her mood. " Where are you, my love? Are you alright? "

She spoke to no one in particular. Her heart sank in her chest with worry. It was the first time that Shahzad failed to show up in her dreams. Could something have happened to him? What if she would not get the chance to see him ever again? She sat down, thinking of his scent, his voice, and his touch.

She was unconsciously summoning him. Shahzad stood by her bed, watching her sleep. His fingers caressed her face as his head rested on her protruding womb. A tear slipped from his eye and fell on her belly. With his eyes closed, he didn't have the chance to see that his tear penetrated her womb.

Shahzad curled his body into the bed. His body was safe at home while his soul stayed with his lover. He was so absorbed in his misery until he felt a pull from the body that he laid on. He opened his eyes, shock evident in them. The next thing he knew, he had been sucked into Zamarad's dream.

The girl opened her eyes when she felt a heavy object pressing gently on her womb. She wanted to push the thing away until her hand fell on a mass of long black hair. Shahzad for the very first time was not prepared to see his lover. Contrary to how he normally appeared before her, his mask was not in place. His beautiful face was in open view for her to see.

Zamarad's fingers moved forward nervously as though she wanted to caress his face. She hesitated, afraid that the man looking t her with a shocked expression would not like it. The figure was familiar to her while the face was foreign. "Shahzad? " She called out with hesitation.

Shahzad swallowed hard and replied," Yes, my Queen." Their gazes collided. One was filled with awe and hesitation, while the other, was filled with shock and fear. It was something that had never happened to Shahzad before. No one could summon him like that. Not even his mother, who was currently the Queen of the Djinn.

Even though he was in shock, his tears fell. His heart still ached for the girl who was looking at him with excitement and love. It must have been her yearning that managed to rag his soul into her dream. " What have I done to you, my love?" he asked.