New Home

Zamarad looked around the place that was once a well-maintained and admired palace. The garden which was once well kept and taken care of was now overgrown with flowers, stems, and branches. 

Even with the lack f proper care, Zamarad admired how well the place was. The designs of the place were unlike ever she has seen in this new era. From the looks of things, her ancestors had better taste than the new modern Era.

Her children were still asleep in the space she placed them. Their protection was her main priority. She was yet to find the thing she needed. As she got nearer to the spot she believed held the key to the entire puzzle that was in her head, the necklace on her neck started glowing red. 

Its brightness was too much for her to keep looking through hence she closed her eyes to protect herself from the light. The brightness only increased in its intensity, spreading throughout the entire place.