His Lifeline

Arsalan walked into his tent and placed gently placed Adora back on her feet. She was now angry and irritated. ' Did he have to let go of me? Mmmh. So annoying!'

As she stood facing away from him, she wanted nothing more than to stay in his arms. She was unsure why she had missed him as much. It felt like an eternity has gone by since he last showed her any affection.

Arsalan watched her for some time. He was thinking about the last time he was alone with her. She wasn't the only person who had missed her partner. He missed her as much if not more.

" Dora, are you mad at me?" Instead of answering, she huffed at him, not sparing him a glance. His heart panicked. 'Did I do something wrong? Is it because of that Hybrid?'

One question after another, he tried to find the answer. Getting nowhere with his self deliberations, he walked towards her frame and wrapped his arms around her waist.