
Lily stood up on shaky legs and looked at the man in horror. All the people in this realm were monsters. She had trusted him and once again, her trust was broken.

She wanted to cry so badly but not in front of these cruel men.  Her mother taught her to be a brave girl. She was brought up to be a warrior. Not a weakling.

That was what Arif and Muntaha had made out of her. A dependent weakling who couldn't stay away from them.

Her eyes blazed hot with fury as she looked at the man who looked afraid. She would have believed it if he hadn't bit her then.

" Tell me Muntaha, were you in on this too? Is that why I feel connected to you two? He had bitten me then too.

He betrayed me for his greed to obtain power. The pain he put me through is something so unbearable I had to turn my memories off to seek relief.

Did you take part in it? The tattoo thing in my back, was that your doing?" Her voice was devoid of all emotions as she asked casually.