His Family

Two siblings ran around a green field chasing butterflies and occasionally each other. The older would slow down every time he got closer to catching the younger.

He was deliberately losing to her. Hearing her joyful giggles made him smile. It was one of his favorite things.

At one point, he sat down and watched her run around. Sometimes flying the little kite she made or chasing little insects around.

She was carefree unlike him. At the age of ten, Muntaha was already aware of his role in the family. He knew how important his clan was.

It was something he felt honored and proud of. However, it wasn't easy. The training he went through was no less than of the princes of hell.

His father often reminds him that he might one day become the king of the entire realm. It was because of this that sometimes, he would be trained more vigorously than the actual prince.