She seduced me

" She seduced me!" Was the first word he said in his defence. Samira didn't expect that answer. He looked between the two only to get more confused at his sister's sudden shyness.

" Excuse me? Do you mind repeating what you just said? I think I didn't hear it well." 

Ezra's gaze was firmly glued to Samira's now blushing form. " I said she seduced me! I bumped into you while I was going in search of her. Somehow, your features reminded me of her.

My intuition is strong. I decided to follow you hoping that you will lead me to her. Additionally, you are not a fairy and she isn't either. I took the chance to confirm my belief that you two are related.``

Samir was completely taken aback. He didn't know what to say to that. He had expected many answers but none was the one he received. 

He turned around, held his sister gently by the shoulder and observed her reaction.