Soul captor

Lily felt trapped inside a vessel. She wasn't afraid per se. She was just sad that her brother and cousins would be sad.

She didn't know where she was. However, she was certain about something. Her body had crushed due to the heaviness of the weight she bore on her heart, and mind.

She recalled that thing that had emerged with her soul. What was it called again? Demangwitfairos! That was it.

She closed her eyes and searched within her soul. The only thing that was left of the being was its blinding light that was located in the depth of her soul.

Huh! Who would believe that she was now only a soul with another soul residing within it?

She looked around at the person who held her captive. Lily felt no threat from the man who was staring at her. More like through her.

His gaze wasn't friendly nor was it hostile. If she could say so herself, it was mostly on the curious side. He was curious about her as she was about him.