
The room was shrouded in silence. Goodbyes were never easy to say. Arif was reluctant to part with Lily. She had woken up but refused to talk to him.

Despite her decision, he was content just being around her. Knowing that she was alive was enough to put him in a good mood.

His guilty conscience had been doing a number on him. Looking at the stubborn girl who was laying on the bed, he sighed. 

Arif sat at the edge of the said bed and watched her for a while. He was running out of time. " Lily, will you ever let me make up to you for everything?"

Silence greeted him but he was okay with it. He continued after a few seconds. " I feel that everything began with me. The domino effect is getting out of hand.

Everytime I see someone suffering around you, I feel responsible for it. Lily, you understand me best. Leading a realm is a huge responsibility.