
Lily stood in the middle with Samia's body behind her. She looked around at the group of people. Sometimes, killing wasn't always the solution.

Since she watched her little cousin provoke them, she felt it better to spare their lives. 

" I think that's enough for a lesson after the things she said. How about you go your way and I take her back home?"

One of the men growled at her, not pleased at all. " Why should we spare her.? She is a spoiled brat who doesn't deserve to be spared. We never wanted to cause any harm. She asked for it. Either let us finish her off or be our guest."

Lily sighed. There was absolutely nothing wrong with what the man said. However, she wasn't going to let the girl die. She won't learn any lessons. She needed to be alive for that.

" Listen, I understand where you are coming from. But trust me, if she loses her life here, none of you will live long enough to understand. She is a princess.