
The appearance of Lily and Arif set everything in motion. Those who just reunited said nothing except hold onto each other. She didn't want to interrupt them. 

She had no such thoughts. However, time was against them and she had to let them know of the plan before they separated. It was no secret that each of them would have a different role to play this time.

" I apologize for my abrupt departure. I had something to take care of!``.Sut snickered playfully making Arif send him a fireball playfully.

" Anyways, we have a war upon us. I am afraid that we shall have to separate. The reason why we left Qamarsan is to create a camouflage.

Now that we are not there to protect our land, it's bound to fall under fire. That's where Muntaha comes in. He and I are the only people who can take down the enemy.

It has nothing to do with combat. More to do with the power he poses. I believe most of us have heard about demangifeiros before?"