His Doubts

He walked out feeling overwhelmed by the emotional mess that was Arif. Muntaha couldn't fault the man for showing his vulnerability.

He would have been feeling the same way if he was in his shoes. Anyways, the purple prince had things to do. He walked out not bothering to bid Arif goodbye.

The man was in no state to give him a proper answer anyways. Arif on the other handheld onto his beloved still crying.

He never felt deserving of her. No matter how much he tried to redeem himself, she always ended up making his actions feel insignificant albeit unintentionally.

How could he compete with her way of showing him, love? How could he compete with everything she had down for him? He couldn't and it took him this long to realise that.

It even took him longer to acknowledge that he didn't need to compete. He only needed to love her unconditionally. Between partners, there should never be enmity or competition.