Malik and Malaika

The sound of shuttering glasses filled the air. One after another, all sorts of crockeries were thrown to the ground. 

When there was no longer anything else to throw, the man resorted to kicking and punching the walls. The maids and guards around stood to the side wincing internally.

Their prince was a brat and they had to deal with his tempers every other day. However, this was the first time he was acting destructively. 

No one bothered to stop him. They knew better than to poke their noses in his business. Malik was his name. The legitimate prince of Heaven was known throughout the Kingdom.

He was, according to his mother, the rightful heir to the throne. Sadly, the golden Seat rejected him at birth. 

A few months later, the same seat acknowledged the only child they called a taboo. 

Since then, his mother made it her life mission to despise Lahan. Malik grew up with his mother's poisonous whispers and rotten behaviour.