Mind Game

She could hear the sound of his heartbeat. She could smell the nauseating fear that was oozing off of her man. 

Despite how his legs threatened to crumble to the ground, she could see the will to trudge on. He was putting on a brave front when she could see him break so easily.

Her heart ached for him. Sadly, there was little she could do for him. Like mask his aura and provide an illusion to his companions.

She wiped off the tears that were leaking out endlessly. Since she was home today, she could only wait for him to get back to her. 

On the other side, Lahan was being given a tour by his most hated person. Malaika would observe his expression from time to time.

Just as he had expected, she was taking him to every single room where his mother was tortured. Saying that he was slowly dying inside was an understatement.