His Resolve

She placed up and down waiting for him to show up. Now that she made up her mind, she felt nervous to face him. She had never been respectful or courteous in addressing him.

She has no idea how to start a conversation without sneering or learning from him. She never noticed before this day how awful she had been to the man she was supposed to adore.

As she beat herself up for the damage she caused, she failed to notice the figure of a man that stood watching from a distance. 

Malik still had some snowflakes dusted on his frame. His long jet black hair which was in a mess appeared sexy coupled with the snow that formed a crown over his head.

He shook his head slowly approaching the woman in his house. Yasmin almost ran into his frame due to how spaced out she was. 

Malik held her in place before walking away to sit down. He had the silly look she was so used to. The look she hated on his face and the source of her unending disdain for him.