A glimpse of Hope

Everything was blocked out of his mind to rebuild his home except, two beautiful figures occupied the focal points. 

Angels! No. That was quite beneath them. The only two women in his life that he would willingly give his all for.

One was born an Angel while the other's identity was special. A smile broke through his stoic features. 

Not even the cold breeze could wipe it off. If he could see himself in a mirror, he would realize how great his love was to a point of insanity. 

Yet, he welcomed it. Layering the clouds one after another, it was with the touch of love that he felt. Shaping and coddling them like a mother would her child. 

The work that was supposed to be strenuous and stressful became something he fell in love with. He treated them like he would his mother and lover. 

While most men found it difficult to love both, Lahan was different. He knew where the boundaries should be set.