First Meeting

Muntaha groaned, feeling sour all over before opening his eyes. To his dismay, he was met by the glowing morning sun high above his head.

He immediately closed them only to open them back abruptly. That was when he noticed them. Eyes that reminded him of the depth of hell. 

The golden orbs glowed like a pair of suns. He didn't miss the subtle black kohl accelerating their beauty. To his dismay, he felt hypnotised, unable to look away from them. 

What was happening? He tried to move his hands but failed. His feet were no different either. Despite his predicament, he stayed still losing himself in the bewitching eyes. 

Looking down at him, Mariam tried to read any hostility from the man. She never expected to encounter her guest so soon. 

Seeing him only fueled her worries and evoked feelings she had long forgotten. The wave of confusion and the occasional churn in her stomach were foreign.