Trial of Love

They tried swatting the flies or bees away whatever they were. To their dismay, neither could use the inborn ability they were so used to. 

Something that was once a part of them was missing. This not only scared them but made Yasmin panic. Unlike Malik who always seemed to be in control, she was afraid and felt lost. 

Hence her current predicament. She was determined to shield Malik from the unending swarm that kept coming at them. 

Malik wasn't having it though. He didn't care for her protection as the urge to shield grew in him. He was the man in this relationship. 

He had indulged Yasmin in her craziness to keep him company. He had let her pamper and baby him. He never complained when she scolded him, he even appreciated it. 

What he couldn't tolerate was her putting herself in danger for him. No matter his feelings, Malik always thought of her as a part of him.