The Dynamics of Love

Maimuna sat surrounded by scrolls. Despite the evident distress on her features, nothing was out of place. Each scroll was placed in order with the others. 

It almost felt like forever since she had that conversation with Malik. Three months, yet here she was feeling as though the weight of the world was placed upon her shoulders. 

These past few days, her soft edges were slowly being horned into sharper ones. Her kindness was buried away as a steadier and resolute gait took over. 

She was no longer responsible only for one. She was responsible for several others who depended on her to bring justice to them.

Her days weren't easy either. With the twelve elders making things hard for her and their constant judgment, she felt pressured. 

However, it never crossed her mind to give up. She was never a quitter and it won't start now. She didn't choose the easy way out.