I’m what-

Entering the grand and spacious dinning room, Princess Florence sat in her seat with graceful movements.

"Florence, how are you? I heard you were sick" King Hendery spoke nonchalantly before slicing the piece of steak and putting it in his mouth.

'Sick for months and this is your attitude? Why bother at this point?' She criticized in her head. Florence fought the urge to throw the knife into his eyes.

"I am fine. Thank you for your concern Your Majesty," Florence spoke back with courtesy. Seeing the King eating, the rest of the family started to eat after.

They dined in awkward silence, there was no family love in here and that alone diminished Florence's small doubt of the previous memories.

Half-way through her steak, Florence started to get nauseous. Her hands turned white clenching the utensils as she tried her best not to hurl right onto the royal dinning room. She will be a laughing stock if she make a mess now with eyes all over the room.

Noticing Florence's face paling Queen Sarah asked, "are you alright? Your face is pale."

"I am alright, just a little tired that's all" Florence took a deep breath and swallowed her urging saliva. "May I be excused?"

"Go on and rest in your room" the King said without a care, before Florence walked calmly out of the dinning room. With the maids and knights out of sight, Florence ran for it.

Running straight into her bathroom, she hurled into the toilet as Tillie just managed to catch up to her.

"Princess! What's wrong?! Should I call the doctor?" Tillie knelt down besides Florence holding up her long blonde hair.

"I feel so nauseous," Florence mumbled with her face pale as the sheets.

"I'll call the royal doctor," Tillie hurried out before Florence could stopped her.

Sitting in the bathroom, Florence had a bad feeling this wasn't just a normal throw up. She could only hope the Queen didn't poison her.

After an hour or so Tillie came back with the doctor. She helped Florence get onto the bed and let the doctor examined her condition.

The doctor had a surprised face then it turned solemn, which frightened Tillie even more.

"Well, am I poisoned or something?" Florence asked looking at the doctor's face.

Shaking his head the doctor then stated, "Your Highness... you are pregnant for five months."

Five? How is that possible? She didn't feel anything!

Florence was shocked and astonished, "but my belly isn't big! How is that possible?"

"Princess..." the doctor sighed. "For a vampire, symptoms can vary. I once knew this pregnant vampire that had their first morning sickness at six months. There are pregnant vampires that have big bellies and there are some that doesn't have a big belly, but a bump like yours. It's very possible that your pregnant, I'm certain of it."

"Princess..." Tillie's paled as she sweated thinking of the outcome. Her Princess wasn't married or engaged to anyone, but now she's pregnant. It's considered unruly and disgraceful to lose your chastity before getting married. Being a Princess born from a Mistress, if people finds out she's pregnant it's the end for her. Not only will she lose her status, but also her pride and reputation.

Rubbing her bump, Florence remembered the eyes of the man that took her chastity. She's about to be a mother, but this current situation wasn't favorable for her. She looked at the doctor, "please keep this a secret, I beg of you."

"I know Princess," the doctor sighed. "Remember to eat blood cherries, pregnant woman need those for extra vitamins."

The doctor left as the two woman tries to plan out their plans for the future. Tillie didn't know about the one-night-stand and was shocked after Florence confessed.

"That wrench! How dare she framed you!" Tillie cursed in anger.

"I need to leave the palace if I want my child to survive," Florence was in deep thoughts.

"Leave the palace? But you are a Princess!" Tillie said softly fully knowing that's not the best idea.

"And risk my child's life? I know this child wasn't planned nor do I know the father, but it's too late to abort this child" Florence unconsciously held her stomach.

"Then let's wait until you give birth and leave the palace. I don't want you to suffer outside the streets with a child in you" Tillie planned.

The next few weeks, the two bagged Florence's excessive jewelries and planned to sell it for money. The next few months passed by quickly as Florence locked herself in her room again to avoid the royal family. Her bump also grew quickly, as if the baby decided to come up after months of development. Florence learned to love the life growing in her, how could she possibly hate it? It's her child after all. In her past life she couldn't have children because of her busy life of a chef, but now she got herself a little Angel on the way.


"What did you say?" Queen Sarah looked over to the maid bowing.

"Your Majesty, I saw Tillie who is the Princess's maid sneak into the kitchen to get blood cherries many times in the past months" the maid smirked. "I did not know if I should report it to you, but blood cherries are beneficial to pregnant woman."

Seeing what the maid was implying, the Queen's eyes widened in shock. Was that why she said she was sick these past months? Because she was pregnant? When did she get pregnant? By who?

Waving her attendant over, Queen Sarah gave the maid a bag of gold coins and wave her to get out.

"Thank you for your benevolence!" The maid bowed again before exiting the Queen's chambers.

Florence's mother had the gall to seduce her husband, so she killed the Mistress in secret.

Oh how blessed! God gave her an opportunity to get rid of this speck of dust lingering around!

"Get me my favorite blood wine, tonight we celebrate!" The Queen laughed sinisterly. Tasting the metallic sweetness, her mood became brighter with enthusiasm.

Tomorrow was her lucky day.