Will you give me a chance?

"You're telling me this little one is a miracle?" Yuji looked at his niece.

"Miracle?" Florence asked in confusion.

"Miracles are the ones who possess healing powers. I'm sure you have heard the Calascione Kingdom doesn't have miracles anymore as years passed," Yuji pinched his niece's cheeks. "How many people know about her powers?"

"Only the people in this room... wait no, there's the doctor and servants too," Florence answered.

Yuji's face turned serious, "her ability can get her targeted sister-in-law. There hasn't been miracles in thousands of years, once the people finds out about Lillian they will most likely to harm her."

Florence didn't think the situation could be so grave. There were many servants on the standby when she got ill from eating seafood, so many saw Lillian's powers. Feeling pressure crept into her heart she then felt a hug and a voice's reassurance, "don't worry I'll take care of everything. I won't let anymore touch you or the kids."

Looking back at Irvin, she only nodded.

Yuji gagged again looking at the unexpected dog food the couple served. He started to miss his beautiful wife.


Yuji and his son stayed for dinner before leaving to go back to their mansion.

"When you can come to my mansion! We can play there" Hendery said to his cousin.

"We have to ask for permission first before going," Lillian said.

"Orrrrr you can sneak out?" He suggested.

"How? We don't know our ways out and around here," Lawrence said.

"I'll bring a map next time," Hendery laughed mischievously before waving them goodbye.

"Even if he comes back with a map, we shouldn't go" Lawrence said to his twin.

"I know I'm not dumb," Lillian rolled her eyes. She felt having this healing ability to be bothersome and tiring now. Being the only miracle in the Kingdom makes her the target for many hideous people. They can kidnap her and sell her off somewhere for large amount of gold coins.

"We need to be trained first. Being pretty weak in this Kingdom is already a great threat within itself," Lawrence swirled sparks of fire around his fingers.

"Well I don't have combat abilities, so I can't protect myself," Lillian said.

Lawrence looked at his stupid sister, "wolves can bite. Just change yourself into an animal and you'll be fine."

"Oh yeahhhhhh HAHAHA you're right."

"This is why you need to read more books. There's a lot of information in there you can learn from."

"Oh please, we are starting our lesson tomorrow or like next week. I'm trying to relax!"

Florence came up to her twins and walked them back to their room. Kissing them goodnight she closed their bedroom door and saw a figure standing outside.

"The twins went to sleep?" Irvin came up and asked.

Florence nodded looking up at the tall man. She felt her face tingled as he held her face gently and smothered his arm onto her slim waist. She could her heart drumming into her ears as Irvin lead them to the bedroom.

"Wait, I'm sleeping with you again? Isn't this improper?" Florence spoke lowly.

"What's improper about it? You're acting like this is the first time sleeping together," Irvin chuckled with his husky voice.

Biting her lip Florence murmured, "we are not married."

Without a warning Irvin held her chin up and swooped in for a kiss. Florence couldn't escape from his strong grasps. He kissed her like he was deprived of his food for years, Irvin sucked her lips aggressively but not with enough force to hurt her. After a while she gave up struggling and kissed him back sloppily. Her heart fluttered as he licked and sucked her cherry lips while roaming his hands on her neck and hips. Florence couldn't help but moan in pleasure, and that was igniting Irvin's suppressing flames. Her little whimpers was making it hard for him not to give up to his urge to eat her whole.

After a hot minute, he finally pulled away. Florence gasped for air as she felt her lips numb from the kiss. The night was silent, all there was their breaths syncing with each other.

Holding onto her waist Irvin whispered, "I will give you a grand wedding. After that we will have our wedding night and honeymoon... I didn't know you were eager to do naughty things."

"Who's eager?!" Florence angrily blushed pushing the dashing man away. She marched into the bathroom, slamming the door as she heard his charming laugh echoed in the big room.

Slapping her cheeks Florence said to herself, 'don't call for his charms! That's what he wants!'

An angel self appeared on her right shoulder, "but he has been good to you and the twins! I don't see anything bad about Irvin."

The devil self appeared on her left shoulder argued, "he's playing with you! He's only kind to you because you gave birth to his successors! After marrying you he will probably have Mistresses!"

"He will not! The man had been single before Florence! How can he do such things?" The angel argued.

Florence thought the angel's words made sense. Why would he betray her? If anything she's the one using him instead. Florence got a place under a roof, unlimited food and clothing. He provided many things for her and the kids, why is she still suspicious of him? Was she being mean and rude for not accepting when she owns him?

"No! He's the one owning you instead! You gave birth to the twins and he was never there!" The devil said to her.

"He's trying his best! Why not accept his advances? He has no ulterior motives!" The angel encouraged.

Irvin never had ulterior motives, if he did Florence would've sensed it along with his mother and younger brother. He took care of her when she fallen ill from eating seafood. Never mistreated the twins or her.

So why is she being defensive for? Was she scared to fall in love then ultimately get betrayed?

Florence changed into her pajamas and came out much calmer then before. She saw Irvin laying on the bed reading a book with a candle lit up next to him. His buttons were undone, leaving his hard bare chest and toned abs out in the open. She blushed drooling at the sculpted body.

"Am I that hot?" Irvin teased, smiling with his pearly whites.

"No!" She said stubbornly getting into bed next to him and covered herself with the quilt. Florence heard a blow and felt Irvin going under the quilt. He slithered his arm onto his waist hugging her closer to him. She felt his nose poking onto her nape and inhaling her scent addictively. Was he a dog? He did the same when they were traveling.

Sighing Florence hesitantly said in a low voice, "Irvin... what am I to you?"

"My beloved... my wife, my one and only" he kissed her nape.

Turning body to face him Florence then asked, "will you ever betray me?"

'What a stupid question' she criticized herself.

"No. I will never betray you," Irvin placed his hand intertwined with hers. "Florence I know you are skeptical about me because I never found you over the last six years. I know I can't turn back time to change what already happened. I regret not searching for you through and fro because in the Blume Kingdom where I can't roam around freely. That night changed my life because I never felt such a strong attraction towards someone. I will try to make it up to you and the twins because I missed out on their lives and yours... I love you Florence. Will you give me a chance?"