Enemies’ enemy is a friend

"What do you want Miss Tuns?" Irvin looked up to the maid who came into his office.

It took all of her courage to ask for an audience with the King. Amelia felt sweat dripping on the back of neck, feeling too nervous. However, that anxiety diminished the moment she looked up to the King sitting in his chair. No matter how heartlessly the King looked at her, Amelia couldn't help but snicker at the fluffy scarf on his neck.

What a huge contrast! As if the scarf was a heater, it made the atmosphere a bit less tense then it usually was.

"I'm here for my daily report on my Miss," Amelia coughed up the stiff laughter that was clogging down her throat. "Yesterday's banquet, I saw Miss Addison followed Miss Florence to the balcony. Although I couldn't hear their conversation, Miss Addison left with a furious face. I'm worried Miss Florence will get caught up in some scheme."

"It seems like I need to push the wedding forward..." Irvin murmured. He looked at the maid who seemed to have some words stuck in her throat. "What is it? Speak."

"I have a suggestion that might help kick Miss Addison out of sight," Amelia stated.

"And that is?"

"What if you find someone to court her? But knowing how stubborn she is, you can make it a political marriage."

'How heartless' Louis thought standing on the side. Miss Addison was the Goddess in this kingdom. Many look up to her beauty and brains, but their conversation only made her look like a worn pair of shoes ready to be thrown out. Sure political marriage is common, but if it was that her love interest that sold her off, how devastated would she be?

"Why bother spending my energy on scheming when I can just silence her the hard way?" Irvin chuckled, causing the two to shuddered in fear. "I can make it an accident, frame her for treason, something small and get that annoying vermin out of the way."

Oh right, how could they forget the King wasn't called a cruel tyrant for no reason.

"Let's leave her be," Irvin dropped his sarcastic smile. "That vermin was lucky to not have her eyes gouged out for looking at Florence with such grimace. Louis, double the security around Florence and the twins. If that vermin does strike, we'll be strike back ten times harder."

"Yes, Your Majesty" Louis bowed then walked out of the office.

"Now, Miss Tuns" Irvin turned over to her. "Tell me your plans for the Blume's destruction."


Florence was currently relaxing as she watched the twins training with Rufus and the Head Knight. Lawrence's fire power had gotten stronger and more controlled since last time. He could manipulate the flames into various shapes on his finger and blasts fire from his palm. Meanwhile, Lillian practiced her shape shifting ability. In order to shape shift something, one has to feel the object or animal to have a mental image in their head. She can shape shift into smaller animals and objects, but cannot shift into something bigger than her size.

"Your Highness must be a genius! To be so skilled at a young age" the Head Knight praised.

"Doesn't every demons awaken their abilities at a young age?" Lawrence asked.

"Hm I would say only one-third of us do, Your Highness" the Head Knight replied. "Some awaken their abilities around your age, some awaken it in their teens. In rare cases, some awaken it in their young adult phase! It depends, but the royal family is known to bore geniuses so I'm not surprised you have many abilities already."

Florence snickered, 'because they're my kids!' She was proud of them for being such smart kids. Raising them independently, she has bragging rights to show off her amazing children. Though she knew more than half of their ability is from Irvin, she contributed too!

"Miss!" A voice took her out of her thoughts.

"Yes, Tina! What's up?"

"You have tons of letters! They must be inviting you for tea parties!" Tina settle the tray of lathers down the small table.

'Countess Flamiour? Viscountess June? Who are these people?' Florence looked at the mountain of letters. "Tina, do you know who is who? I don't know half of these names."

"Yes I do, Miss. I will help organize from most important to least."

Florence noticed Tina throwing out invites from Baroness and Viscountess, while keeping the Marchioness and Countess. She knew the reasons were because visiting low aristocrats could make them look down upon her. Being the fiancé of the King, the first appearance to a tea party must be a strong one.

Tina came to a sudden halt as she furrowed her brows looking at a specific letter. "Miss... look at this."

Florence was surprised to see the invitation. Miss Grace Addison invited her over for a tea party! What an obvious trap! Was Grace planning to poison her tea or kill her?

"Miss... you're not going right?" Tina was scared judging the hesitant look on her Miss' face.

"But if I don't go... she would think I'm scared of her. She too powerful that I won't dare to take a step onto her estate..." Florence was troubled.

"That vermin must be planning something! Miss, your life could be at stake if you go! This is too much of a risk!"

"Tina, I'm going a fragile piece of glass" Florence looked up at her maid. "She's challenging me and if I don't accept it... how could I be the next Queen of Calascione? If I don't have the guts to fight even one person, how could I help Irvin manage such a Kingdom and its subjects?"

"What if you reject the letter and attend her competitor's tea party instead?" A voice rang out.

"Amelia!" Florence looked over. "What do you mean by that?"

"Well, I'm sure all of these tea parties have different place and time. What if you choose a different tea party on the same day as hers? Bonus if it's her biggest competitor."

"Who's her competitor? I thought she was considered a Goddess?" Florence asked in curiosity.

"Marchioness Estelle Merritt, known to be the Original" Amelia smiled. "Currently in her late twenties with two kids. Married Marquess Merritt at the age of 18 out of political marriage, but later turned into a marriage filled with love. She's the trendsetter and is beyond the boundaries of the word "beautiful". She arranged the tea party date the same as Miss Addison, out of spite because the two are like cats and dogs."

"Wow, you sure know your stuff" Florence was amazed at the information. "Well, I guess my enemies' enemy is my friend so I'll send a reply back to the Marchioness."

"This is a safer. Spiting your enemy at the same time, being safe." Amelia sighed, "you have to be safe or His Majesty will have my head rolling."

Florence laughed not knowing how deadass Amelia was.