Cat fights

Florence had written a letter to Marchioness Estelle Merritt, stating that she will gladly attend her tea party the upcoming week. She needed a present to give to the Marchioness so she was thinking of going to the market outside the palace. During dinner Florence asked Irvin about it.

"Of course, I will prepare knights to escort you."

Looking at Irvin straight in the eyes Florence asked cautiously, "how many knights are you assigning to me?"

Paused for a second, Irvin answered "twenty, why?"

"So you want a troop of knights escorting me for a normal shopping day."

"Yes," he replied seeing nothing was wrong.

Florence sighed, "that will make me even more noticeable! I can have five guards!"

"That's too little," Irvin furrowed his brows.

"That's fine! Lillian and Lawrence will also come with me and it's a good size of knights! You're exaggerating too much, it's just a short shopping day."

"Lillian and Lawrence is going? No, I will assign ten knights" Irvin said with absolute determination. "If you are worried about being noticed then I will tell the knights to protect you guys from the shadows."

"If so then I'll accept it. Thank you!"

Next week was fast approaching as today was the day of the tea party. Florence planned to go to the market right after breakfast, buy a present then go straight to the Marchioness estate.

"Are you sure you want to come to the tea party?" Florence asked the twins.

"Yes! We never went outside since coming into the palace" Lillian gave her the puppy eyes. "Besides, isn't auntie coming too? Doesn't that mean Hendery will be there?"

"Possibly, I don't know if Vera will take Hendery along with her."

The maids dressed up Florence and the twins in dazzling clothes with jewelries, however everything was covered with a black cloak. She didn't want unnecessary attention going into the market so going in disguise it is!

Florence went outside with the twins to see Irvin standing by the normal looking carriage. "Are you seeing us off?"

"Of course, I am. I wish I could go on a small date with you" Irvin kissed her rosy cheeks. With his suggestion, Florence thought of planning a surprise date... but that's for much later.

The three rode off to the nearest town. Being in the capital, the streets were busting with crowds and people buying and selling all sorts of things. Merchants yelling their goods and prices. Customers nagging for discounts, it's a marketplace alright.

Getting off the carriage, Florence walked around the streets with the twins. There were too many things to choose from, she didn't know which present would be appropriate for the first meeting.

"Lillian, what do you think I should buy?"

"What about that antique?" Lillian pointed at a weird statue.



"A Marchioness has plenty of that."

"What about a plant? Something simple" Lawrence chimed in.

Florence thought about the times back on earth. Most of the time, people would be plants for house warming and having plants around the house is good for the environment as well... but this world has many different types of plants. If Florence accidentally choose the poisonous one just because she thinks it's pretty, it's over.

"Do you have any plants in mind? Some that might be beneficial for demons?" Florence asked her son with a defeated look.

The three went into a small plant shop that was up ahead. Lawrence walked around before swatting down to look closer at the pot of plant on the ground. Observing the plant, he was surprised to see this in such a small shop!

"Mother, I think this is a good plant."

"Are you sure? It haven't bloomed yet" Florence looked at the closed buds and was skeptical.

"This is a planae flower. If taken care of it correctly, the flowers will bloom with its ever changing colors."

"A flower that changes color?!" Florence gasped.

"Yes, in the morning it turns yellow. At noon it turns orange. In the afternoon it turns red. Evening it turns blue. At night it turns purple. This flower means for the owner to have an everlasting life of goodness."

In the end, Florence bought two pots of planae flower with the pocket money Irvin gave her. At the counter, the old man looked at her in surprise.

"Young lady, are you sure you want to buy these? The buds haven't even bloomed" he tested the water.

"Yes! It will bloom beautifully later on."

The old man laughed wholeheartedly, "many would ignore these buds because they judge the outside. If they care for it with patience, it will become the most beautiful flower in the whole garden of flowers."

Holding onto the two pots of flower, Florence and the twins went back into the carriage and head out for the tea party. Only after leaving the market, Florence begun to see the ten knights following her to the Marchioness estate.

Looking out of the window, Florence began to see the large estate up ahead. "Take off your cloaks, we're here. Remember to behave! We're on unknown territory, so be cautious."

"Yes, mother" the twins obeyed her.

Florence opened the door and saw Sir Rufus offering his hand to help. "Sir Rufus? You came with us?"

"Yes, Your Highness. His Majesty assigned me to escort you and the twins to the tea party" Rufus answered.

Standing in front of the estate, rows of maids stood by as the figure in the middle came up to her. "Welcome, Your Highness! To our humble home!"

Florence stood frozen as she stared at the gorgeous figure in front of her. Her long black hair draped over her shoulders as her blue eyes shone along with her lovely smile.

"What a gorgeous beauty..." Florence spoke her thought out loud. Realizing what she just did, she became flustered, "I-I mean you're beautiful h-haha Marchioness Estelle Merritt haha."

"Vera was right... you're so cute!" The Marchioness took no offense, rather was glad the soon-to-be Queen is a sweetheart. Her eyes shone even brighter looking at the twins by Florence. "Are they the rumored Prince and Princess? How adorable you guys are!"

"This is Lawrence and Lillian, Marchioness."

The twins bowed at Florence's mention, making Estelle's heart fluttered once more.

"Oh no need for such courtesy! Please call me Estelle! Come on in now, it is quite cold outside. Vera and the others are waiting for us in the parlor room!"

With Estelle turning her back, Florence let out a heavy sigh as she could already sense the battle among ladies coming up.

'Cat fights are to be expected...'