WebNovelBierny XF100.00%

How many pure desires do you have?

How many pure desires do you have?

One of Bierny's wishes is to sing 'gospel' music.

Your wish must go hand in hand with your actions.

This story fits into this quote: "But at midnight, Paul and Silas were praying, they sang hymns to God; and the prisoners heard them ". Acts 16:25.

Bierny used to visit a country in northern Peru very sporadically. He did it for 25 years and more.

The penultimate time, he had to wait 10 years to return, a recurring dream (it was repeated twice) prevented him from returning, as he imposed fear and care. After praying for 10 years he overcame this limitation and returned.

From the last time in 2019 is this story. Someone tried to kill him twice and what he did is equate the evil and chose to cross the border. Better 'badly known'?

Everything began to change against his enemies. Some who followed him and obfuscated, ended up crashing his car against some elderly people, "who were relaxing in the open air." Another three suffered: 'strokes'…

In the midst of the dark evil that followed him and even the evil that he left years ago and to which he had no choice but to return: to confront and win this time?!; Bierny, recommended when preaching:

"Speaking among you with psalms, with hymns and spiritual songs, singing and praising the Lord in your hearts." Ephesians 5:19.

It would be necessary to break down this melodic way of speaking: 'among you'.

A psalm, it is understandable in the sense that it exists, there is a collection of 150 psalms.

Most of the psalms are attributed to David: "the eighth brother"; Shepherd; innate gift of strength; innate gift of exceptional music whose performances chased away: 'the evil spirit'. 1 Samuel 16:14 and 23; chosen as King by Jehovah; anointed as such waiting to reign; 'bad guys' team leader for fleeing death; King of God's people.

As King, David wants to house Jehovah; God rejects his offer: alluding that his hands are stained with blood; But, Jehovah: indicates that his son would make his house for her.

David prepares everything for this purpose. And he fulfills his wish on his son. Did David help make a house for God to gather and surrender his being to faith? Solomon inaugurates the house of God.

Solomon, makes a wish: 'wisdom to rule' the people and kingdom inherited by his father, King David.

God grants him: wisdom, riches and honor.

Solomon deviates from the desire of his father and repeats his mistakes, and meets a thousand women: 700 female queens he makes his wives and another 300 his concubines.

Solomon: 'for love or for pleasure', he fulfills the wish of his wife: does he build 1,000 temples or sacrilegious houses and worship 1,000 false gods?

Since Bierny, he cannot do any legal, financial or commercial paperwork directly or he would be discovered, attacked and even eliminated by his enemies.

Bierny opts to invest in 'songs' and for a year he spends all his savings on songwriting and musical production of 'gospel' and 'eco world' demos.

Thus he achieves a collection of songs in unique rhythms, 'although deep down Bierny does not understand musical notes, he does not know how to sing…'

He shares songs with his friends in rhythms such as: electronic, salsa, cumbia, reggae, hip hop, trap, ballad, pop, rock ...

A curious case is that this collection began with two versions or different rhythms in 2004 (pop and electro; this electro version came as a prophetic rhythm, today world concerts are held only with this rhythm, in the case of Bierny if it has lyrics )

The pop and electro versions were made by a pastor friend of 'midisaya.com', the song is titled: 'Ask me'; currently this song has a third version in 'ballad' that is more suited to Bierny's voice. The three versions are kept on file: midi.

The ballad version, has been recorded in two recording studios, the first recording was lost, because it had "a bad interpretation" perhaps.

The second studio recording is heard on a local radio station in Zarumilla, Tumbes in Peru.

It is in this sway of preaching, persecution, travel and song, that he is received by a family, whose members now professed the faith.

He lives with them for six months, and this makes music production easier for him. They are the ones who listen to their demo and a cappella versions.

Bierny composes songs to celebrate the birthdays of children and young people.

So he has:

- Pablo Invita, rhythm: pop

- Dayra Alejandra, rhythm: hip hop and reggaeton.

- Oh Sara Princess, rhythm: classic pop.

- A21. Oh Maiden. Rhythms: cumbia and ballads.

- Among other…

A21. Maid.

Latin Fusion Cumbia




lara lara the ...

She Turns 21 Anniversaries ...

And they still do not wake up:

Your Dreams of Loving her!

What worries us?

If not, very, Coquette!

What if he doesn't Weave Tenderness?

Why Know It!

She still does not sow her flowers

She does not anoint herself in Loves

She doesn't paint her lips

She Doesn't Play Doll ...

Lara, lara, the ...


She Turns 21 Anniversaries ...

to the rhythm of their songs

He goes out to preach ...

What does it project us?

If Praying is your Party!

What if it knocks on your door?

Invite her to your table ...!

If by overcoming the ravings!

Keep her innocence.

Well, Jesus, it's your Strength

She, Fe, gives Congratulations!

Lara, lara, the ...



Lara, lara, the ...

She Turns 21 Anniversaries ...

And her dreams of Gloria

We Come to Hug ...

What inspires us?

With her Life Gestures!

If she preserves her environment?

Until Christ returns ...!

If you like and like them

Bible stories

That she managed to be happy

Just to understand it


Don't wake up love

until she wants

of the things of the Lord

the maid is careful

Do not make love veil

until she wants

to be holy in body

as in spirit

the maid is careful


Lara, lara, the ...

She Turns 21 Anniversaries ...

And they still do not wake up:

His Dreams of her of Loving her!


Lara, lara, the ...

She Turns 21 Anniversaries ...

and to the rhythm of their songs

She goes out to preach ...


Lara, lara, the ...

She Turns 21 Anniversaries ...

And His Dreams of Glory

We Come to Hug ...


Lara, lara, the ...