Hurricane Sword Style

Fortunately, the rules of the pushing boxes game didn't allow a challenger to stay in the same place for a prolonged period of time, and the right to pull a box back required several rounds before they could touch it again.

Otherwise, Lan Qi could have held her ground or pushed and pulled the boxes back and forth, then even God wouldn't have been able to save her.

"Next round, turn right!"

Lin An gave the last command.

Due to the structure of the previous box, Lan Qi couldn't see the space available on the right side of the box, and the success rate system gave her an 89% chance of following the command.

Lin An held his breath. If Lan Qi failed to follow the instruction, then it would be even more difficult to guide her out of the game. He didn't know how much longer she would have to spend in the maze-like trap.