There Were People Stealing Monsters

Not long after, the few flying swords spun in the air and landed beside Lin An. Then, an aurora flashed in the distance, and a cultivator riding on a flying sword flew over.

"I am Yang Luo of the Water Mirror Sect. Who dares to harm the wealth of our sect?"

The sword-wielding cultivator hovered in the air and loudly rebuked Lin An.

Lin An had heard of the cultivator's tactic before. It involved taking control of the public's opinion first and claiming that the ink devil beast was the sect's own wealth right from the start. In that case, the Water Mirror Sect cultivators would have a moral advantage.

"You guys are too shameless. This ink devil beast was raised naturally. How did it become your sect's wealth? Could it be that you gave birth to it yourself?" Lin An replied loudly.