Shao Baifeng

Night-time had arrived, and the stars shone brightly in the sky. 

Lin An laid on the bed for a long time, unable to fall asleep.

Unexpectedly, just as he was deep in thought, a beautiful figure landed in front of his window, bringing with it a faint fragrance that lingered around the tip of his nose along with the breeze.

It was none other than the beautiful Scarlet Cloud Sect's master, Shao Baifeng.

Her temperament was cold and ethereal, and she stood outside the window like an otherworldly fairy.

"Sect Leader Shao, you're still awake?"

Shao Baifeng smiled faintly. Her eyes were bright, while her teeth were as white as snow.

"Fellow Daoist Lin, you must be joking. After cultivating to the nascent soul level, immortal cultivators no longer have the secular desire to sleep, so what's the point of talking about sleep?"