Introductions Are In Order

After that, we spent the next three days in preparation. Visiting shops, studying, and honing her magic. Fina spent her time working harder than ever before.

("Just how important could a dungeon raid be?") [Solace]

Fina bought numerous items. Vials filled with strange liquids, weirdly shaped balls wrapped in paper, and some necklaces or bracelets. Each item was a bit… unique in its own way.

("Too bad I don't really understand the currency system because I would like to know how much she spent.") [Solace]

Other than spending money for strange items, she studied. Not just the daily routine amount, but A LOT. Not only did she visit buy strange items from the shops, but many textbooks. Many of them were about dungeons, which also helped me in understanding what it was about as well.

("A cave that contains high levels of mana… It also forms a surplus of mana crystals and attracts monsters to it.") [Solace]

While reading the textbooks one night, I continued to increase my level for |Mystic Tongue|.

"|Mystic Tongue| |Experience| limit has been reached. |Mystic Tongue| has gained a level." [Spirit Guide]

("It levels up faster than |Appraisal|. I like that.") [Solace]

Though I had gained information about dungeons, I still didn't know how the raid was going to go. According to the texts, it's supposed to have a group of four to clear out monsters for a rank E dungeon. It would go from E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, and undefined. The amount of people required would double for every level increase in difficulty.

("I wonder what rating our dungeon will have?") [Solace]

I most definitely hoped for E or D since C through SS would 100% kill us.

("I think we've done all we could for today. Guess I'll try to level up |Analyze| for the rest of the night.") [Solace]

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

As I continued to train my |Analyze|, the next day came.

("Time to follow the usual routine again.") [Solace]

We went to the usual classes, and everything went in one ear and out the other. Holding on to my boredom, the day's classes ended.

("Finally…") [Solace]

At this point, we would have either gone home to study or go to work. Unexpectedly, we went to Ross' class.

"Miss Ross?" [Fina]

Entering the classroom, Fina called out her teacher's name.

"Ah, you're here." [Ross]

She stood by her desk with three students by her side. It appeared that she was in the middle of a talk before we arrived.

"Is this her?" [Unhappy Student]

There was a girl who had bright blue hair glaring at Fina. It seemed that she didn't have a very good impression on Fina.

"Allow me to introduce you all. This is Fina Kane, the temporary member of your party." [Ross]

"N-nice to meet you!" [Fina]

As if she had already grasped the situation, Fina lowered her head in greeting.

"Hmph." [Unhappy Student]

The blue haired girl turned her head as if to spite Fina.

("...I'm going to get kind of pissed at this rate.") [Solace]

The other students didn't seem that bad. They didn't chime in with the blue haired one, and they only looked at Fina with sympathy.

("Looks like they're already used to their classmates' personality.") [Solace]

"Er… Fina, these are your upperclassmen." [Ross]

She laid out a hand towards the three students by her side with a nervous smile on her face.

("Being a teacher must be rough, huh…") [Solace]

Seeing as the teacher gave them a queue, the green haired student stepped up first.

"Hi, I'm Nash. As you can see from my hair color, I excel in support magic." [Green Haired Student]

Nash had pretty long hair for a guy. Reaching down below his shoulders I might've mistaken him for a girl from afar.

("He looks pretty passive.") [Solace]

Next came the brown haired student.

"Uh… I'm Jai. Nice to meet you." [Brown Haired Student]

Unlike Nash, Jai had short uncombed hair. Not only that, he was tall, very tall. Not as much as Fina's boss at the restaurant, but pretty tall.

("...This guy looks pretty built.") [Solace]

Then came the blue haired girl's turn.

"...Medley." [Blue Haired Student]

"..." [Fina]

Simply saying one word, the student went silent.

"Medley, please introduce yourself properly." [Ross]

The blue haired girl didn't seem willing to comply, but she did so anyway.

"...Hello, my name is Medley. I excel in offensive water attribute magic." [Medley]

She spoke in a harsh tone, clearly emphasizing her hostility. It was at this point I foresaw that it was going to be a pain to deal with her.

"...Now that introductions are done with, I'd like to start the dungeon raid. Did everyone prepare in advance?" [Ross]

The students nodded in unison, bringing out items such as potions and random tools that I've seen Fina buy as well.

("Oh, they brought stuff. Wait, did Fina bring her tools?!") [Solace]

I looked at Fina with worry, but there was no need to. Just like the others, she had taken out a bag full of necessities.

("I never saw her bring it when we left the dorms...") [Solace]

As I was left mystified, Ross inspected all of the student's items.

"Good. You all did well. Now we can move on." [Ross]

Closing her eyes, she began to mutter something to herself.

"Elevated levels of mana have been detected." [Spirit Guide]

("Eh?") [Solace]

The light shone around us, but that was only the second thing I noticed. The first was Medley wording something to Fina.

"Don't hold us back, you forsaken filth." [Medley]

After that, the bright light engulfed us.