What's Next?

The ride back to campus was a quiet one.

"...Do you have any questions?" [Wilharrow]

"No." [Solace]

I wasn't even willing to look at him. Dragging me into battle is one thing, using Fina as a lock on me was another.

"Look, don't hate me for-" [Wilharrow]

"Shut it!" [Solace]

Wilharrow flinched.

"It's for the good of the people-" [Wilharrow]

"Did you not hear what I just said?" [Solace]

I glared at him.

"..." [Wilharrow]

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I didn't even talk to him when we arrived on campus. I immediately beelined towards Master's class and pulverized the brick wall with a single kick.

"Oh my." [Vincent]

Sitting leisurely, Master had prepared a table for two.

"You predicted this?" [Solace]

"Did I?" [Vincent]

Again with his cryptic nonsense. I've had enough.

"Do you think I'm stupid? Why else would you have a table with two chairs!" [Solace]

"A table having two chairs doesn't-" [Vincent]

"There's even two cups for your tea! What are you gonna do, drink both at the same time?!" [Solace]

Master raised a finger.

"As a matter of fact..." [Vincent]

He then calmly poured tea into the two cups and downed them both at the same time.

"...Do you think that's funny?" [Solace]

"Very, yes." [Vincent]

That just pissed me off more.

"Here." [Solace]

I threw the flower at him. As expected, he caught it.

"Careful there. You wouldn't want to damage an important ingredient." [Vincent]

"Great. Now what? What else do I need? How many more wild goose chases do I need to go on until you're satisfied?" [Solace]

Master gave me a weird look.

"I'm sensing quite a bit of hostility from you." [Vincent]

"Ya think?!" [Solace]

I was absolutely seething.

"How about you try telling me your plans for once, huh? Quit manipulating me like some kind of puppet master!" [Solace]

Master raised a hand.

"Gentleman's rules number 11." [Vincent]

"No." [Solace]

"Say it." [Vincent]

"I'm not sayi-" [Solace]

"Say. It." [Vincent]

The conversation wasn't going anywhere so I folded.

"...Gentleman's rule number 11: A gentleman does not let their anger control them." [Solace]

"Good." [Vincent]

Master smiled a kind smile. Though, I only felt that it was insincere at the time.

"Now, for your earlier question. There is one last ingredient required to get Fina's mana back." [Vincent]

"Shoot." [Solace]

"A Demon Lord's heart." [Vincent]

"A… Demon Lord's heart." [Solace]

Master leaned back in his chair.

"Indeed. It was the sole reason why I had you join the hero's party." [Vincent]

I had mixed feelings about this. My anger subsided knowing that I was going to have to do this anyways, but I was still peeved at how Master never tells me anything.

"Have I addressed all your concerns?" [Vincent]

"No." [Solace]

Master then motioned with his wrist.

"What are you waiting for?" [Vincent]

"How fresh does the heart need to be?" [Solace]

"It does not matter. Just bleed it out and it will preserve itself." [Vincent]

"Hm." [Solace]

Still annoyed, I left Master's classroom.

("A Demon Lord's heart… seriously?") [Solace]

I got a bit lost in thought. So much so that I didn't even notice Wilharrow waiting for me.

"Alt? Are you okay?" [Wilharrow]

"Hm?" [Solace]

I flinched. It felt like he appeared out of nowhere.

"Woah!" [Solace]

"What the-?!" [Wilharrow]

Startled by my flinching, Wilharrow backed away with his arms raised.

"...Wilharrow?" [Solace]

"Yeah?" [Wilharrow]

We looked at each other in confusion. After a few moments passed, Wilharrow spoke.

"U-Um… Alt, about Fina…" [Wilharrow]

"Stop." [Solace]

I raised my hand to cut him off.

"Before you say anything… I'm sorry." [Solace]

"...What?" [Wilharrow]

Wilharrow seemed surprised at my apology.

"I'm sorry for how I acted back in the carriage." [Solace]

"...You don't have to be sorry for that. In fact, I should be the one apologizing." [Wilharrow]

This brought a slight smile to my face.

"Then we're cool?" [Solace]

"Uh…" [Wilharrow]

He appeared to be a bit puzzled as to what I meant.

("Oh. They don't have that saying here.") [Solace]

"I mean… We're okay now, right? All is forgiven?" [Solace]

"Ah, that's what you meant. Yes, all is forgiven." [Wilharrow]

He then put out a hand.

"All is forgiven." [Solace]

I proceeded to shake his hand.

"Now, how do we slay a demon lord?" [Solace]

Wilharrow smiled.

"Good to see you're on board." [Wilharrow]

He then wrapped an arm around me and started walking.

"We're gonna travel to their country." [Wilharrow]

"Oh. How far is it?" [Solace]

"About a month." [Wilharrow]

"A month?!" [Solace]

That was longer than I thought it'd be.

"A month by carriage is crazy." [Solace]

"...On carriage? We're going on foot." [Wilharrow]

"What?! Why?!" [Solace]

"Tradition." [Wilharrow]

He put on the most stern expression I've ever seen.

"...There must be something wrong with the traditions in this world." [Solace]