
The ritual went on for days. At the end of the week, we had a gathering with Elisse as the star. Basically, we had some sort of show? There was a makeshift stage put together with wooden boards and planks. We then put up a bunch of small plants to make it look like a miniature forest. Afterwards, Elisse went up on the stage and started dancing some kind of folk dance wearing a white dress.

("What an interesting culture.") [Solace]

There wasn't much for her to dance to, but Elisse definitely danced. The only form of music or rather, remotely resembling music was clapping and cheering.

"Hey, are you going to just let her do it alone? Go on up!" [Nosy Villager]

"What?" [Solace]

Before I even knew it, I was getting pushed onto stage by several villagers.

"Wa-wait! I suck at dancing!" [Solace]

That, plus it's embarrassing.

"Don't worry about it! Just copy Elisse!" [Cheerful Villager]

And so I did. It was a dance made up of three movements. You mostly just bounce up and down while clapping. There were several foot movement varieties, which I was unable to replicate in the short time I was up stage.

"How do you like it up there, Alt?!" [Wilharrow]

Wilharrow grinned mockingly as he snacked on some fruits.

"Why don't you come up and find out?" [Solace]

I went off stage for a moment and grabbed him.

"Ho-hold on! My fruits!" [Wilharrow]

In the end, I forcefully made him dance. It was especially funny because he was still holding a grapevine as he did so.

"Even the Hero has joined! Come on up!" [Solace]

With just a mention of Wilharrow's title, many villagers joined in. Matter of fact, the whole hero's party joined; including Leon.

("Wow, she can dance?!") [Solace]

I was at first amazed, then surprised. Amazed at how good it was, surprised that Leon actually joined in instead of gorging herself on food.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

We ended the night drunk on each other's laughs, which led to a special event the next morning. We met up in the center of the village, where everyone was strangely silent.

("What are we doing today?") [Solace]

There stood the village elder at the front with Elisse wearing that same white dress. She was given a large basket of several fruits and wines. It was so large I was afraid she couldn't lift it.

"Today marks the day the gods sent down their divine beasts. The beasts guard our lands, protecting us from fearsome monsters day and night. They are always giving for our tomorrow. Thus, we shall give back some of our today." [Elderly Man]

He then placed a hand on Elisse's shoulder.

"Our village fairy will have the honor of delivering our gratitude." [Elderly Man]

The village elder did some kind of prayer sign with his hands clasped together.

"For our tomorrow." [Elderly Man]

"For our tomorrow." [Villagers]

The village elder then lowered himself to speak to Elisse.

"Village fairy, please choose someone to accompany you." [Elderly Man]

Without hesitation, she pointed at me.

"Him." [Elisse]

The village elder looked my way.

"Brave warrior, would you please escort our village fairy to her destination?" [Elderly Man]

At this point, I was kinda lost as to what was happening. Either way, I accepted.

"Of course." [Solace]

The village elder acknowledged me with a nod.

"Village fairy, please lead the way." [Elderly Man]

Elisse gave me a look telling me to come along. So, I did. As she headed out the village, I noticed that no one was following. I wonder why?

"Where are we going?" [Solace]

"To the divine beast." [Elisse]

"And where is that?" [Solace]

"In the forest." [Elisse]

"Oh. Okay." [Solace]

Elisse was acting oddly cold. Her cheery and bubbly personality was nowhere in sight. I felt a little lonely. Maybe this is how a father feels when their daughter tells them to leave them alone?

"Do you want me to hold the basket for you?" [Solace]

I attempted to close the emotional distance even if just a little.

"No. I have to bring it to the divine beast myself." [Elisse]

Yep, just a little lonely. I'm not hurt at all.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Anyways, we entered the forest that the bandits used to be. However, we went much MUCH deeper. You'd expect to see a few animals or even hear some birds chirping, but there was none whatsoever. It was pretty eerie.

"How much farther are we going?" [Solace]

"We're almost there." [Elisse]

As we progressed through the forest, Elisse suddenly froze.

"...Is something the matter?" [Solace]

Before Elisse could answer, the trees in the forest moved. In the most literal sense, the trees in front raised themselves and lined up, revealing a path forward.

"I guess I didn't even need to ask." [Solace]

I began to walk assuming Elisse would as well, but she stopped me.

"You can go back from here. I have to go alone." [Elisse]

"...Are you serious? What if you get attacked by some random monster?" [Solace]

"That won't happen." [Elisse]

She then smiled as if to soothe my worries.

"Do you still have the doll I gave you?" [Elisse]

"I do." [Solace]

"And the crown I made you?" [Elisse]

"I still treasure it." [Solace]

I kept them in my inventory. Though, I hope time isn't a thing in there since I don't want the flower crown to wither.

"...Thank you." [Elisse]

She then walked the path without me. I watched until the trees shifted back into place.

("Guess I'll return?") [Solace]

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I returned to see a strange sight. All the villagers were weeping, including my party.

"Hey guys, what's up?" [Solace]

Wilharrow quickly wiped away his tears to greet me.

"You're back so early." [Wilharrow]

"Nevermind that, why is everyone crying?" [Solace]

"Because they had to see Elisse off." [Wilharrow]

I raised a brow.

"That's all? They'll see her again when she's done, right?" [Solace]

Wilharrow's eyes widened in shock and realization.

"Alt… You don't know, do you?" [Wilharrow]

"What?" [Solace]

"Elisse isn't coming back." [Wilharrow]

"Why not?" [Solace]

Wilharrow opened his mouth to speak, but it looked like it was a struggle to get the words out.

"She… will be consumed by the divine beast. For her, there is no tomorrow." [Wilharrow]